Brad: I'm joking, I'd lose the bet

Me: right yes the bet

Brad: I have a question about the bet

Me: shoot

Brad: are we not allowed to cuddle or anything? you know like the bet is just about kissing..

Me: I don't wanna hug you anyway.

Brad: that hurt me right in my heart

Me: i don't care

Brad: but its really cold out and I don't wanna be cold in bed

Brad: so is cuddling part of the deal

Me: I guess not but

Me: if you ask to cuddle me I'll probably kick you in the balls

Brad: no you won't

Brad: especially because you didn't last night

As I begin to reply, the teacher calls my attention. "Tasmin, do you care to tell us what happens when you mix the two chemicals together?"

"What chemicals?" I ask, confused.

"That's what I thought," she raises an eyebrow and shakes her head. "Pay attention and stay off of your mobility phone"

I nod and slip my phone back into my pocket, relieved that I didn't get it confiscated or received a punishment for it. Instead, I pay attention to the remainder of the class and we're soon dismissed for next period.

Walking to my locker, my ass begins buzzing rapidly as I receive more and more messages, probably off of Brad. I put my books away and replace them with new ones as I look down at my phone.

Brad: hello??

Brad: you weren't joking about kicking me in the balls were you?

Brad: shit

Brad: don't hurt me I'm a 12 year old little boy

Brad: I'm outside of your class where are you?


Me: I'm at my locker

Brad: on my way

I laugh and slip my phone away once more and close my locker, tempted to leave Brad to find no one here but then I realise he'll probably beat me up if I did.

"Here you are!" He grins as he rounds the corner. The hall wasn't too crowded but people still moved out of the way as he strolls towards me. "Are you ready for English?"

"We have maths next."

"Are you ready for maths?" He corrects himself in the same tone as before and I smirk at him, shaking my head. "Come on, lets get going."

He's about to put his arm over my shoulder but I raise an eyebrow at him and he puts it to his side.

"So, are you free tonight? I was thinking we could go shopping for some clothes for ha-wee-wee."

"It's still Hawaii," I laugh. "And I don't know. I think Blake said he was gonna try and get me a job trial at his parents' work place."

"That's great! I'll just pick you up afterwards."

"Uh, okay? I'll get details," I smile at Brad and he grins back before we walk into maths class: oh the joys.

"You'll be getting orders today," Blake's mother smiles. She had jet black hair and long lashes that protected her brown eyes. She wore makeup, but not too much that she looks fake and clown-like. She was small, but not as small as me and gave off a nice vibe. "And maybe serve some drinks, depending on how busy we get. Sound good?"

I smile, "totally."

She hands me an apron and I put it on quickly. Blake gives me a small smile and I give him one back, messaging Brad when I finish and the address before I go to the first table.

An old couple are sat at a booth, looking at the menu with their lips pursed and scanning over the options.

"Are you ready to order?" I ask and I hope it's the right thing to say: I've only really paid attention in the books and the films and not in real life since someone else usually orders for me.

"Ooh, yes dear," the man speaks and they both place down their menus, taking each other's hands across the table. "I'll have the cheese and toast, please, with some water."

"Make that two, but one with a tea," the woman smiles and I scribble down their orders.

"Thank you. Your drinks will be with you shortly," I smile and they nod their head respectively. I strut away and place the order in the kitchen, waiting at the bar.

"You're on job trial, huh?" a voice pulls me away from my daydreaming and I turn to see Jace at the bar, leaning on one elbow.

"Or I could be working here," I raise an eyebrow. Of course, I wouldn't give Jace the satisfaction of being right. Noticing Blake's mom watching, I stand up straight and put on a false smile. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"I'd love a glass of beer with a side of that ass," he winks at me and I stop myself from gagging.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" I hiss and then realise I'm in job trial and this is my only chance. "I mean, of course you can have a beer. Do you have an ID?"

He pulls out his wallet and shows me his ID and I give him another false smile before grabbing him a glass from the small fridge below the bar.

"That'll be nine dollars."

"Are you sure, sweet-cheeks? Last time I checked it was only five," he smirks and I tug on my smile.

"I'm definitely sure. It comes with the side of the kick-up-your ass," I sass and he pulls out a ten dollar note, gripping it in his hand.

"Keep the change. You look like you could use it," he shrugs and starts to stand up, picking up his beer. "Oh, and I'd watch your back if I were you."

"And why should I do that, hm?" I try to intimate him but he doesn't say anything. "If you even try and lay a finger on me, we all know Brad would destroy you in a second."

"I wouldn't count on that, sweetheart."

And with that, he slams his money on the bar and walks out, satisfied that he successfully got inside my head.

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