Chapter 9

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"You good, Pinky?" Christian asked for what seemed like the millionth time in the past ten minutes, "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine. Did you get everything?" Lucius nodded, standing up from the bed in his room. Christian shook the backpack he held slightly, "Yup," Lucius sighed, "Can I change now, Mom? Will you give me my clothes?" He raised his eyebrows at his brother. Chris stuttered out an, "Oh, yeah- sorry..." Before tossing him the backpack with his things inside. Lucius shuffled into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door, and letting out a sigh.

He's getting discharged from the hospital today. It's been a week and a half since he's been admitted, and they said he's well enough to get out if he doesn't strain himself too much. So, the prescribed him some mild painkillers and said, "Get out."

Christian is worried he'll do something dumb and hurt himself.

That wouldn't be surprising, honestly.

He pulls on his jeans and t-shirt, checking his hair in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom.



Christian holds the door for his brother, and he steps out into the white hallways of the hospital. He breathes out heavily, letting his brother walk out in front of him so he can follow.

Lucius stopped for a second.

"Hey, where's Matteo..?"

Chris jumped a little, "Uh... home. He wanted to greet you there rather than accompany you out," He explained, never turning around to look at his brother. Lucius knew something was up, "Chris, turn around and say that to my face," He crossed his arms imposingly, waiting for his sibling to look him in the eyes. Christian turns, walks to Lucius, and says the same thing, this time looking at the wall over his brother's shoulder.

"Christian, stop lying to me."

"I'm not!"

Lucius scoffed, "I've known you for all of my 25 years of existence on this here planet Earth and not once have I ever fallen for one of your lies. You're horrible at keeping up appearances. Hell, you're even stiff with your delivery! Tell me what's up with Matteo."

Christian groaned, "Fine, okay. All I can say is that he's at the apartment."

"Please don't tell me there's a party."

Chris stuttered some before frantically explaining, "It's not big! Arthur thought it might be nice to have a small welcome back party, and Matteo jumped on it... only people that we know are gonna be there. I'm pretty sure it's.. Sean, Arthur, Tsumi, Zac, Ronnie, and of course, myself and Matteo. Oh- and Matt invited someone. Says she's his best friend."

Lucius nods with a noise of acknowledgement.

Some papers are signed, some thanks were given to the doctors and nurses that treated Lucius, and they were on their way.

Off to the party.


Lucius braced himself before ever so slowly opening the door, still jumping slightly at the loud shout of , "Surprise!" from everyone in the room. Matteo runs up to hug Lucius, and the man leans down, accepts the hug, and kisses his boyfriend's cheek softly.

They had agreed to start dating two days after the initial kiss, and according to Christian, listening to them kiss was 'utterly disgusting', but all three of them know that he was never once present for their any of their more romantic encounters.

Lucius says his 'hello's, and settles on the couch with a glass of water while he watches Christian basically tackle a distracted Sean. They shout and roughhouse for a small while before Arthur tells them to calm down. It's nice. Music plays... Panic! At the Disco meets Lucius' ears, and he settles into the melody of 'The Death of a Bachelor' and the low chatter of the room. Matteo- dressed in a pink skirt and baby blue t-shirt- sits next to Lucius, pulling his legs up under him so he can lean against his partner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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