I'm Leaving Tomorrow...

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     Hey guys! My first chapter on this book, heh heh heh. *reads all the books I haven't published yet*. So, the title, I'm leaving for San Francisco at midnight! *goes to the corner* Fricken Midnight. *comes back* So, after that, I'm leaving for the Philippines, which is hot and humid.
     My plan, I don't know what my plan is. /)_-. So, all I know is that I will be there forever *note the sarcasm*. And I will be a photographer with my dad, and I will be camping and other stuff.
     What I'm bringing on the plane, according to my mom: extra pants, extra underwear, iPads, sketchbook, and other things. I will probably stay awake a little bit then sleep.
     I have literally no idea why I made this book, but it was an idea. I will be sleeping in the corner. That was random, and now a inspirational comic for artists. *It made me cry happiness*

 *It made me cry happiness*

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