Sam's Special Ending

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         My mom and I sat cross legged in a clearing. The pine trees swayed around us as we meditated. I opened an eye to look at my mom. Her head tilted up slightly as she concentrated then wings appeared behind her.

"Stop watching me and concentrate." she snaps.

"Damn your mom-sense." I murmur.

"Language." I pout and close my eyes again concentrating on the wings that had been sawed off. Before I can stop them I get sucked into memories of sawing and blood and pain. I gasp, eyes wide open. The nightmares of that day had left me awake many nights as I lay beside Calev. He had become my rock and life line, I didn't know he could be more of an anchor than he already was for me.

"Concentrate on flying, on the feeling of wings upon your back. What they looked like in the mirror. How it feels when Calev touches them." she says. I blush at the last comment. Of course she would say that. Ever since I had fallen into depression she liked to embarrass me by saying things like that or in front of Calev. One time she asked something about Calev and I's sex life in front of my dad and it was a mess. A complete mess. But I concentrate hard on my wings. The smooth texture, the glint of my talons, the large wingspan, and the feeling of Calev's fingers sent through me. Heat filled my core and I clenched my legs together, longing for his-

"Seren." my mom's voice broke me from my thoughts. I open my eyes to feel a familiar weight upon my back. I glance over and see them. Real and perfect. They weren't as impressive as the ones I was born with but they were wings. A strangled noise came from throat as I press my hands to my mouth. "Let's fly." my mom grins. I can't make a noise so I just nod. Standing, I flare my wings wide almost crumpling to the ground in tears. With a great sweep of her wings, my mom is aloft. "Catch me if you can!" Her call makes me laugh as I launch into the air.

As we fly, I quickly speed past my mom and toward Velaris. I see the rest of the court of dreams lounging outside eating and laughing. Banking, I sweep past them and hear shouts of surprise. Then I swirl back around to land on their table with a laugh. They all cheered for me as they took in my wings. My mom dropped down beside my dad, who gave her a loving hug before whispering to her.

A low whistle comes from behind me, I turn to see my mate swaggering up to me with a grin on his face.

"Hello little bat." he purred. He hadn't called me little bat since I lost my wings. Knowing he was going to expect me to walk over to him and kiss him, I launch into the air. Diving down as fast as I can I catch him and we fly into the air. He lets out a startled scream, wrapping himself around me. "As happy as I am that you have your wings, I didn't miss this so much." I just laugh as we barrel roll through the sky. "I think I am going to throw up." he moans.

"Throw up and we won't test this wingspan out at the House of Wind later." His answering nip had me grinning as we flew through the air.

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