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Emma POV

I got home and went to my bedroom and started doing my homework when I got a text it was from an unknown it said "Hi, Emma it's me Minho, Elizabeth gave me your number" it was Minho I wanted to be friends with him, he seems really nice, so I answer to him, "Hi Minho it's ok, nice to talk to you"


"How have you been?"


"Good how about you"


"Fine thank you, we should hang out more"


"I agree, if you want we can go to get an ice cream today"


"Yes! :D, I'll be there in five minutes"


"Ok, I'll wait for you"

We stopped texting each other, and I got up and sat on the couch waiting for Minho. After about five minutes exactly he was there, I opened the door and there he was. We went to the ice cream parlor and we ordered our ice creams and sat on the table and started talking about lots of things and we got to know each other better. I really wanted to know why he was trying to make me jealous so I took a deep breath and ask him.

"Minho were you trying to make me jealous today"

"Um...Yes" Minho answered blushing

He looks so cute when he blushes.

"Why?" I asked shyly

"Well, I really liked you but Elizabeth told me that you will always tell her we looked really cute as a couple, so I try to make you jealous for you to notice me" he explain

"You want to know something, I really like you too"

A big smile formed on Minho's lips I already could feel butterflies on my stomach it was magically. then he got closer our faces were inches apart then our lips touched and they move perfectly together in sync, we separate and started blushing, it was amazing.

It was already late and we say goodbye, he went to his house and I went to mine. I ate dinner, washed my teeth and went to sleep; this was the best day so far!

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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