The Plane

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It was his third day at Camp Rising Pond and Tommy still didn’t whether he liked scouts or Whether or not he would ever need the skills they thought him like orienteering, or First aid. Tommy thought about this as a he saw a small bush plane flying overhead. He watched the plane drift throughout the air for a few seconds before realizing something was wrong.

The plane was on fire! He watched as it crashed off in the distance. Tommy ran waking up the other boys. “A plane crashed guys.” Tommy Said looking up at the stars to see where Polaris was in the sky.” Just north of here! Come on we have to see if anybody’s hurt! They ran off into the woods looking for the plane. Tommy having been separated from the group came to the plane first. The fire was out and most the plane had been destroyed. He heard a coughing from inside and looked in to see the pilot coughing barely conscious, Tommy dragged him out and treated him for shock and second degree burns, Shortly after the rest of the group got there and helped treat the pilot. The pilot was rushed to the hospital and survived the crash with minor scarring and three broken ribs.

Today the remains of that plane remain there today nestled into the woods, Most have forgotten What really happened with it and to the newer generation it’s considered a Myth. Those who do find it marvel over it and some even make their mark on it By carving their names into it. Today the plane remains there so unimportant Compared to everything else happening in the world, however, as unimportant as It may be it still deserves to have its story told.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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