Mystery babies

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Slowly i came back to the real world. Yesterday we fled from our home from Victoria. Spent hours under water, came to surface and now im in a strangers home. I shot up into sitting postion. Suddenly my head spun, so i layed back down. My head was throbbing.

"Im glad your awake. Your friend had just woken up as well" I jumped. There was the mother of the family i saw yesterday, i had forgotten her name. the woman had bright flaming red hair in ringlets, she wore simple clothes, like a blue blowse and a pair of slacks with some trainers. i acted confused.

"What happen? How did i get here? Who are you?" i said my voce got higher. The woman smiled and came into the room. she was holding a tray with some things on.

"You must be so confused. Im Julia Times. We found you on the beach a few streets away from our house which were in now." i looked around the room. It looked to me a spare room. It had soflt creamy walls, large open window and quite a large soft bed. They must have moved me from the couch.

"We've called a doctor to have a look at that large bruise on the side of your head" My hand zoomed to the left of my head. Sure enough there was a bumped. i groned. i head ache had started. "How do you feel?" The woman said taking off a glass of water and some pain killers off the tray.

"Like some one had hit me over the head with a frying pan"  I said and moved so my legs were over the edge of the bed. i soon relised that i was also dressed in some flowery blue pjs.

"Here take these but don't get up. The doctor will be here soon. im just going to tell your friend that your awake" She smiled and handed me the glass and the pills and walked out the room. Surprisngly she reminded me of Esme. She cared for some people she doesn't know. Hastily i shoved the pill down and drained the glass. My stomach also grumbled. It had been ages since i last eaten. I put my weight onto my feet but didn't stand up. Down stairs i heard a cry. it could instanly tell which twin it was. I hastily stood up and made my way clumsily down stairs. There in the hall was a girl that looked aroun 16, like julia she had flaming red hair. In her arms was Ej. he was crying his eyes out. As soon as the girl saw me she instanly handed me the baby. Ej loocked upat me and as i rocked him his crys turned into hiccups then stopped. he layed his head aganst my chest but was lookignat the girl.

"Isabella i though i told you to stay in bed. you could have fallen over"Julia tuttered disaproveningly. A tray of food in her hands.

"Sorry. i Just hear my baby cry" Juila and the girl looked surprsied for a moment before smiling.

"Of course any mother would go to their child when they cry. Might I ask whats were names? i couldn't find anything with their names on" 

"Ej and Renesmee" They both looked confused.

"EJ stands of E-Edward junior and Renesmee is Renee and Esme mxed to together." They looked at me for a second then led me into the living room. Angela was sitting on one end of the sofa on the phone with Renesmee on her lap, playing with some toys. My guess it was Ben she was talking to, Ben hadn't spent much time with the twins but when he did he ejoyed him self. Angela laughed. She looked fine but there was a sporting blue bruise on her forehead. I sat down next to her. My head was still throbbing a bit but i tryed to ignore it. put the pain had gone away now, thanks to the pain killers.

"so Isabella"

"Please call me Bella. Isabella is a bit too formal for me" i said smiling softly.

 " Okay Bella. Heres some breakfast for you and Angela. Then after the Doctor comes you can tell us ablout your selves" julia said and handed me a tray. I took the tray gratefully and stared to eat. Angela ended the call and started to eat from the try too. Just after we finished the door opened and a middle aged man with long brown hair in a ponytail came in, a doctors bag in his hands. "Ah Dr Waters, your here. The girls are here" Julia said and led the man though to where we were. Dr Waters looked at us then sat down infont of me.

"Ok. Isabella first." He said and took a small light out of his bag. He shined the light in my eyes for a momment, peering carefully at my eyes.

"Your vitals look fine, ever so slightly slow but that should clear up soon" He said and moved onto the bruise. I winced when he touched it. He took that into accont. He ran a few more tests nd moved on to Angela. She seemed more worn down than me so he did a few more extra as well.

"Everything seemes fine for now ladies, but i recomend cheking up on a Doctor once in a while. Its best if you dont do anything to that would excite you too much. it would probily give you a minegrain." The doctor said and talked to julia about a few things. Ej giggled and tugged on my hair. I faintly heard the doctor leave and the rest of the family walked into the living room and sat down infront on me and Angela. I guess i would have to lie to them a little bit. i hoped angela went along with it.

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