Good Morning my Lovely!

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I apologize for the long delay in between chapters. I am finally back and I have a lot of motivation. So without further a do, here is chapter four of "The Summer I Fell in Love"!

Jordan's POV-

I am awoken out of a deep sleep my the warm summer suns rays hit my face. My eyes lash open, and I peer around the room. I all of a sudden remember that I'm at Nick's quaint bungalow in West Egg. His arms are enveloping me close to him. I have never felt so loved in my entire life. Our bare bodies are close to one another, which creates warmth between us. My head is pressed up against his chest, his beating heart is so soothing to me, as if it was a melody. I look up at his sweet, sleeping face. why must he be so cute? A smile spreads across my face at the very thought of him. As I'm gawking at him, his eyes begin to flutter open. He makes eye contact with me and a smile spreads across his face.

"Good Morning my lovely, did you sleep well?" Nick said as he kissed the top of my head.

"I slept much better since you were near me Nicky."

His hands are caresaing the bare skin on my back, which feels incredibly soothing. I take my arms and wrap them around Nick's neck.

"You look absolutely stunning this morning Jordie, an absolute vision!"

"Oh Nick, I'm an absolute mess, but thank you." I then give him a swift kiss on the cheek.

"You know something Jordan, we barely spent anytime at that party last night!" He says while laughing.

"We just had a sip of a martini, dances to one song, and left!"

"Well Nick darling, I had a better time making passionate love with you then socializing at any party!"

Nick begins to blush which makes me laugh. I caress his cheeks and feel the slight stubble on his cheeks. I then kiss both of his cheeks and his lips. He then kisses me back with a bit more force. Then, he sends a forceful, yet soothing, trail of kisses down my neck. He looks back at me and holds me close. I love how I fit so perfectly in his arm

"Oh Nicky, I love you so much, I could lay in bed for hours with you." I say with endearment in my voice.

"I love you too Jordan, you're the love of my life. Let's just stay in bed all day!" Nick says while laughing.

I smile back at him, and run my fingers through his disheveled hair. I kiss him on the lips multiple times very softly.

"Nicky, honey what time is it?"

Nick keeps one arm wrapped around me and looks at his clock on his night stand.

"Oh, lovely it's already 11:30, we should be getting up now." He says as he sighs.

"Must we get up now? I just want to be with you!" I say in an upset tone.

"C'mon Jordan, I'll go run a bath for us, and I'll make us a nice brunch and then we can go for a nice boat ride on the bay, how does that sound?"

I smile spreads across my face and I respond with, "That sounds wonderful Nick!"

Nick and I get up, he heads to the bathroom to get the bath going. I get up from the bed and stretch my arms. I walk over to the mirror and adjust my hair. I looked like a wreck that morning. My makeup was still on from last night.

"Darling, you know I think you're absolutely gorgeous." Nick says to me as he emerges from the bathroom.

I turn around and smile at him. I walk over to him and he wraps his arms around my waist. He sends a trail of kisses all over my body, which gives me the chills all over. He looks at me with a sly grin and takes me in to the bathroom. That was a bath that I will surely never forget.

As I'm drying my hair with a towel, with another towel around my body, I begin to watch him shave. There is something so hypnotizing about watching a man shave. I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He looks into the mirror and smiles back at me. I then sneak soft kisses down his spine. The scent of his skin is so comforting, I just want to be enveloped in his smell forever.

As I finishing getting ready for our romantic day together, I can smell cooking coming from downstairs. I apply the last bit of makeup and go downstairs. There in the kitchen, I see my darling Nicky had made two plates of eggs with a little champagne to go with it. As he was at the stove, I peer next to him and give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. He looks next to me and gives me a sweet smile and a kiss on the lips.

We eat together hand and hand and talk about our love for each other. We also talk about the mysterious Mr. Gatsby and my cousin Daist. We talk about our family and out childhood and our beautiful, new relationship.

Nick and I finish our brunch. I begin to clean the dishes and as I'm cleaning our plates, Nicks arms wrap around my waist and gives my kisses all over my chin and neck.

I turn around to face him and say "Darling, you're distracting me!"

"Well it's so hard to sit in the living room and sit and stare at the beautiful woman in my kitchen." He says with endearment in his voice.

He gives me another kiss on the lips, and we make our way out the door, onto the dock near his boat. He gets into the boat first and holds his arms out for me to jump down. I leap into his arms and he holds me tight. He gives me a passionate kiss, and he looks down at me and smiles and says, "You know that I'm the luckiest man alive? You're the most amazing person I've ever met, Jordie my darling I love you so much!"

I look at the love of my life in the eyes. I can feel tears starting to run down my face. I can't even think of anything to say, but I manage to say "Nick, I love you so much!"

He wipes the stray tears off my face and gives me another endearing kiss. We sit down together in the boat. He begins to steer and I remain close to him, and lay my head on his shoulder. He gives me a kiss on top of my head. I have never been so in love with a man.

We cruised around the bay until sun down. He steered right in front of Tom and Daisy's dock. He got off first and lifted me up onto the dock. He holds my hand and we walk and talk up to the steps of the Georgian mansion.

Nick looks down at me with a sweet gleam in his eye. "Did you have a nice time today darling?"

I look up at him with endearment in my eyes, "Darling, I don't want this day to end! I love you more than life itself. Thank you for treating me to such an amazing day."

He gives me another passionate kiss on the lips. He then stops and stares at me and smiles while holding me in his arms. I rise up to his face again and give him one last kiss. We go our separate ways for the night, and I watch his get into his boat. I wave goodbye to him and blow him a kiss, and I then open the door to the Buchanans house and go upstairs. As I get to my bedroom, and sit at my vanity and reflect on the lovely day that I've had. I am truly the luckiest woman alive, I have met the man of my dreams.

Authors Note: Well, that's the fourth chapter of "The Summer I Fell in Love"! Please rate and review the story and tell me what you think so far!

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