Are... are you sure?"  I nodded rapidly before allowing him to slide off my panties and accepted Stiles' invitation for another hungry kiss.

At this moment, everything was perfect.  It felt as if he was made just for me, he fit me just right.  It was the perfect time, the perfect moment, and nothing could ruin it.  Not even a bunch of demonic ninjas.


Morning light shined through my eyelids, waking me from my heavy sleep. My sheets were twisted all around my body. Stiles snored lightly next to me, his hair was a mess, but he still looked cute. I crawled back under the covers with Stiles and put my head on his chest. Stiles stirred a little and put his arm around me.

"Hey beautiful," he said whilst yawning.

"Goodmorning baby," I whispered and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Should I go?" he asked.

"No, it's okay. You can stay as long as you want," I said. He smiled weakly.

"Did you sleep alright?" I asked, leaning my elbows on my pillow.

"Yeah. That's the best I've slept in a long time," he said. "Was....last night okay? I do feel a little guilty. I mean it happened so fast, I wasn't sure if you were ready-"

"Stiles, it was amazing. I was completely prepared. It was the best night of my life." He smiled and took my hand in his.

"Do you want breakfast?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Let's just lay here for a while." He put his arm around me and I closed my eyes.

A couple of minutes later, my phone buzzed obnoxiously on the nightstand next to me.  Stiles breathed out and handed it to me.

"Hey, Scott."

"Hey, are you with Stiles?"

"Uh, yeah," I glanced at Stiles and shrugged.

"Well, we all have to be questioned at the police station.  You know, about last night."

"Oh, yeah, yeah.  Okay.  We'll be there in a few minutes."  I set the phone down on the table and Stiles slid his arm around my waist.

"What did Scott want?" he breathed into my neck.

"We have to be questioned.... at the police station."  Stiles' body jerked forward.

"Oh, shit.  My dad..." 

"You... aren't gonna tell him, are you?" I asked slowly.

"Oh, no, of course I won't.  What kind of boyfriend would I be then?"

"Thanks, babe." I pecked him on the cheek and slid off of the bed, the sheets revealing my naked body.  I could feel his eyes on me as I rummaged through my closet for an outfit.  I peeked over my shoulder and smirked at him.

"Oh, uh, sorry," he muttered.

"Well, you've already seen me naked...." I reminded him with a grin.

"Oh, right."  He chuckled and stretched his arms back behind his head.  After digging through dress after dress, I finally decided on a sheer blue sleeveless hi-low dress.  I slid it on over my legs and slipped a black leather jacket on over my shoulders.  I tugged some white tights onto my legs and completed my look with a pair of tan wedges.

"So... Are you going to get dressed or do I have to do it for you?" I teased Stiles.  He bit his lip and chuckled. 

"I'll just wear the same clothes I did last night."  I smiled and handed him his clothes before disappearing into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.  I twisted my hair up into a donut bun and applied some foundation and eyeliner before swiping on a bit of mascara.  I applied the makeup fairly light, I didn't have anything to cover up today.  Except, of course, a large bruise on my thigh which I ignored.  I pushed open the door just as Stiles clumsily lost his balance and fell to the floor while attempting to fit into his jeans.  I giggled and helped him up, wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Come on," I said as we hurried downstairs through the empty house,"they're probably waiting."

Stiles' P.O.V.

"So, when did you get there?" Agent McCall, Scott's father, who happened to be trying to get my father fired questioned us.

"At the same time," Scott asked.

"At the same time as who?"

"At the same time as me," I answered.

"The three of you arrived at the same time?" he asked, glancing momentarily at Valerie.

"Yes," we all said in unison.

"By coincidence?"

"What do you mean 'by coincidence'?"

"That's why I'm asking you.  Did you arrive by coincidence?"

"Are you asking me?" I questioned.

"I think he's asking me," Scott replied.

"I think he's asking all three of you..." Lydia said.

"Okay," McCall said while pressing his lips together,"let me answer the questions..."

Everyone nodded.

"So,Stiles.  You mean to tell me that someone hid Barro in the chemistry closet with a coded message, telling him to kill Kira.  He then took Kira to a power substation, intending to electricute her, which ending up blacking out the entire town?"

"Sounds about right," I said with a smirk as I glanced at Kira.

"How did you know that he'd take her to a power substation?"

"Because he's an electrical engineer... So where else would he go?"

"That 's a hell of a deduction there, Stiles."

I shrugged.  "Well, what can I say, I take after my pops, he's in law enforcement!" I beamed and pointed over to my dad, who I could tell was trying not to laugh like Scott and Valerie.

Dad cleared his throat and clasped his hands together. "Stiles, just uh, answer the man."

McCall rolled his eyes and directed his attention to Scott and Kira.  "What were the two of you doing?"

"Eating pizza," said Scott.

"Eating sushi," replied Kira at the same time.  They glanced at each other.

"Eating sushi."

"Eating pizza."

They glanced at each other again and sighed.

"Eating sushi and pizza."

McCall shook his head. "You really believe this?" he asked Dad.

"To be honest..." my dad began,"I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned to speak.  But I think these kids just found themselves in the right place at the right time, and Kira is very lucky to be sitting here."  McCall nodded.

"Do you agree with that?" he asked Kira.

"Yes," she agreed. 

"Okay, kids.  Head on out.  We'll evaluate this..." He rubbed his temples and disappeared into his office.  I reached over and squeezed Valerie's hand before we left together for school.

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