bingo bongo

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The pink clouds surrounded the sunset like cops around a crime scene as Tyler breathlessly hurried to see Jack. Since beginning freshman year the two boys had been split up to different schools. Their hectic schedule kept them from seeing one another, until today. It was the start of the second semester and they had finally found a time to visit. Tyler almost slammed his body into the door from how fast he had been running. He felt himself bouncing up and down whilst knocking the dark, wooden door. Jack quickly emerged from behind the door, it seemed he had been waiting for his long-term friend to come. Jack smiled and pushed his wavy, brunette hair off his face and grabbed Tyler by the wrist and pulled him into the home. Tyler felt a refreshing wave of nostalgia hit him at the familiar sound of his feet running against the tile flooring. Neither of them had said a word, but they were both laughing as they hurried up the stairs. They stopped running once they got to Jack's room. Clothes and Dr.Pepper cans were sprawled across the carpet, along with some Reese's Pieces. Tyler sat himself on the bed and put his hands in his lap, like the proper gentleman he was. Jack stayed behind Tyler so he could lock the door. Jack's grin didn't fade as he walked up to Tyler and put a hand through his thicc, dark hair.
"My parents aren't home, so we can be as loud as we'd like." Jack straightened his back and began digging in a dresser across from the bed. "Also, I bought... Fruit snacks!" Jack said enthusiastically. Tyler covered his mouth in awe at the wonderfully tasting gummies.
"Do you ever just yummy gummy?" Tyler spoke, he tried to make sure he sounded calm and collected. "Even the blue ones?" He added.
Jack smirked. "Oh yes, I have the blue ones." He took the box of heavenly snacks and held them above his head. "Do you want any?"
Tyler kept his cool, on the outside at least. Oh my Gopi. I need those fruit snacks. Tyler glared at the much-taller Jack. He meant business. He swiftly whipped up his arm, in attempt to snatch the snack. Jack backed up onto the wall, making Tyler nearly fall off the bed. "No!" Tyler whined in a unnecessarily high pitched voice. He his collected personality tumbled onto the floor along with Jack's junk. OH MY GOPI. I NEED THOSE FRUIT SNACKS. Tyler wasn't having it. He sprung up and grabbed Jack's arm, which held the angelic edibles, with the other hand he frantically reached for the fruit snacks. He squirmed and grunted while Jack laughed in amusement. "What do you want from me?!" Tyler yelped.
Jack easily pushed Tyler off of him and onto the bed.
"Fruitt Snaccs" Tyler's blue eyes dug into Jack.
"I have an idea." Jack responded with heavy determination.
"Ok, what is it?" Tyler crossed his arms.
"I feel bad for asking but, can you help me with some Geometry work? My mom is making me."
"That's all?"
"I get all the blue fruit snacks."
"Deal, Diehl." Jack said and climbed the bed. He leaned over his bed and pulled up his grey backpack. He took out a few crumbled papers with messy pen markings. "... I need a pencil." He bent over again and took up his trusty, green mechanical pencil. "Do you need one?" He turned around to ask.
Jack bent over again. Tyler could ask Jack for a million pencils because every time he grabbed one he got a view of his boney, thicc booty.
"... Can I have another pencil, like just in case?"
Jack bet over once again to retrieve another pencil from the ground. Jack's hands lingered on the ground as he looked for another pencil.
Opportunity. Tyler, without warning, speedily wrapped his hand around the top of Jack's shorts and yanked downwards. The trusty, green mechanical pencil suddenly entered Jack's butthole.
"FUCK" Jack screamed with more intensity than one thousand suns bursting all at once.
"Ah, whoops, it slipped." Tyler honestly didn't know why he shoved a pencil in his best friend's ass, it was a rush of temptation.

dear pig, aren't you interrupting the story at the most suspenseful part? well, yes, sally, yes i am.

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