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I knew I was going to face them one way or the other, so I decided to keep walking home. When I reached the door, it flew open. I blocked my face, but then realized I got hugged. It was my friend Acelyn. She has blond hair and is as tall as me. It felt like so long ago when we first met.

Flash Back. 1st grade


I was sitting on the playground all alone, when someone snatched my picture I drew. "Give it back!" I yell. "What is this? some stupid game?" she said. Of course it was Ashley. That is when I started to hate her. "It is Pokemon. Now give it back!" I scream.

Just then a girl around my height runs over to Ashley and punches her. "Here you go." she said holding my picture. "My name is Acelyn and I love Pokemon, too. Want to be friends?""Sure." I say.

End of Flash Back

We were friends ever since."Thank God you're not dead."she says."I'm fine Acelyn.""No you're not. Look at you. Bruises, blood, broken nose. You look terrible. Come inside.""I was planning on doing that, speaking it is my house." I say walking inside.

We both sat down on the couch and talked. "She is a total Bitch, isn't she? I can go beat her up for you." she says grinning." No that us fine. I can deal with her." "Apparently not. By the way, guess who is coming to our school." "Who?""The BENJA!!!!!""OMFG. I don't care." "Whatever, you do.""I really don't. You and Jaden can have him. I want nothing to do him. Especially because Ashley is probably going to date him." "Okay, What ever you say..." she says winking at me.

It would be kind of cool to be friends with him, but I wouldn't risk it. "Soooooooooooooooooo..." I say "I got to go home, Katie. I am sorry.""That's fine." "See you at school tomorrow. Byezz." "Bye." I say waving to her as she drives away.

I then look to my left. I see a figure come out of the shadows. It was Ashley. I ran back inside and tried to close the door, but I wasn't quick enough." Not so fast. You are not going to get away this time, unless you want your friend to get hurt. They were holding Jaden, with a knife against her skin, ready to cut. "NOOO! Please stop. I WILL DO ANYTHING. Just don't hurt her." I yell, causing a tear to go down my face.

They knock her out. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!" I scream. "Well, I lied." She said. She walks up to me and kicks her foot into my chest. It caused the wind to get knocked out of me. She ran to me and started punching me. "Get me the knife." she yells. She cuts my arm and writes, I am nobody.

"That will teach you never to trip me again." she says, walking away. Here it comes. Black.

I wake up in... Where did I wake up in? I think it is a hospital. I look to my left and see Acelyn and my mom smiling at me. "Hey Katie." Acelyn says. My mom then kisses me and says,"I will let you guys talk." She then walks away. "What the hell happened to you Katie. Wait. Let me guess. Is it Ashley?" I nod my head. "That little jag. I am sorry Katie." "It is okay." "Well, you should rest. By the way, I am not going anywhere. I am going to wait for you.""Thanks." I say falling back to sleep.

A nightmare...


Hey doods. I just wanted to say thanks for reading. It means a lot.

Check back in my next chapter. BTW. I might not be able to post a new chapter on Thursday. If that is the case, I will post two chapters on Friday.

Much loves


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