Changes in Justice

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  As dawn approached, the sun's ray's stretched out through the window above. The light awoke the cerulean hedgehog who was in a deep sleep that he did not wanted to get out of. Out of all time being enclosed inside this prison with days without freedom, nor wind blowing on his face as he ran across that freedom, he somehow felt comfort in this filthy, old, and smelly background.

It seemed so strange that the inside of his covers always felt warm, he never understood why. He yawned and got up from his bed and looked at the one above him. His companion was still asleep and Sonic somehow found it adoring.

Despite it being early, he could already hear the voices of others arising from their slumber. Sonic didn't know when his trial would begin, but he knew that he wanted to spend the remainder of the time with Rudy. He climbed the small stairs that lead to the top bunk and shook his companion. "Eh! Wake up sleepy head!" Unfortunately, Rudolph was a bit more dosed off than down to earth. Sonic stopped shaking the hedgehog and tried thinking of a way to wake up Rudolph.

He pondered for a moment, the got an idea. He swung away his pillow, making the youngster even more uncomfortable and used his arm as a replacement. The teen growled, He approached his ear and yelled, "WAKE UP!" Just then, the brown hedgehog jolted upward and knocked himself from the clouds and back to Earth where it would usually belongs.

"What??" he responded with having no absolute idea what was going on. He turned around to where the noise had come from, "Oh, it's you.." he faced downward. Sonic stood with confusion. "What's wrong?" he asked. Rudy nodded, "Oh, nothing..." He wasn't sure if Sonic would try to get him to talk further of the situation, so he sought a disturbance. He scanned around the room to bring up something, but nothing came to him as a response. "Rudy.." The hdeghog turned towards his name caller, "yes Sonic?" He sighed.

"I-I'm sorry." Rudy blinked, "For what?" "For.." he hesitated, "For pushing you away the way I did. You didn't deserve it. I, I was just so conceited of myself; I trapping myself when I should have let you in.." he clentched his eyes shut, "I, I let you down Rudy! I, I lied to myself, forcing myself to push away my emotions from you! I'm.. Sorry." he ran himself to tears as he covered his face with his gloved hands.

The other stood confused. What made him think this? So he responded, "Sonic, you've never become a failure to me. I know that even guys like you can make mistakes too." The hedgehog enlightened his feelings with the guts to look at him forwardly. Their eyes met at the same time. But Rudy managed to look away, avoiding any further adieu to what may occur if their feelings for each other came back.

Just to get the temptation from reaching both of them, he climbed down from his bed and looked away. Sonic took his hands off his face. He didn't dare face him, for he felt guilty of his mistakes. Instead, he looked downward to the floor. It had been sometime since he had never-ending flashbacks of his torment. Could it mean....?

"Rudy..." said a saddened voice. He did not respond. "Rudy?" he repeated, in expectation of an answer despite drastic measures of depression. The brown hedgehog finally took the chance of looking at his admired one. He slowly gazed at those emerald eyes that were staring back at him. Although it may seem ridiculous, seeing through his eyes, he saw beauty, but not this time-no, his eyes were not filled with love, nor sadness.

Pain? Could it be? He never knew, but it was as if he had a slideshow of his torment being revealed through his eyes that came from his heart. Rudolph, saw it all. The bloodshed, abuse, and pain that was within his soul that he had locked up inside for almost half a year. So many months.... But even with days of successful times that could be seen. The sight of hopes and dreams of liberation.. There was something that all those days had, a day without love.

After the instant flashback, Rudy looked away and cried silent tears. He now understood his situation. But what seemed the strangest thing is as if Sonic ha known what he had seen within him. He had wanted to tell him.. Shadow had prohibited such conversations, but this was not talk, but communication from heart to heart. The ebony hedgehog swore to have the first witness or someone who knew of his incident that they would perish. And so, it is true. Rudy was destined to die, but..

Had fate sided with Shadow for him to predict this, or was it coincidence? These were all descriptions of what was occurring and everything seemed cloudy between the two. Felling each other's sorrow and quenching them with their invisible love for each other. Before anyone could think about what they were doing. Instinct took over. Both hedgehogs were gripping each other tightly and both of them were devouring each other in their unnoticeable lip-locking.

But fate had taken another role, Sonic had been driven to Cloud Nine and so had Rudolph. But it was as if no one was safe. The flashbacks, the pain, the memories,...... returned. A peaceful moment was broken. Mind-blowing reactions to the instant memories drove the short romance to a close. For once, the younger hedgehog did not respond.

He would have tried convincing him to return to their 'special moment', but it was as if the sinister Shadow had returned and had his arms around the cerulean hedgehog, proclaiming Sonic was his and no one else's. The imaginary vision struck the poor hedgehog as he ran to his corner of the room and said nothing more. Had the great hero read the signal too? Was their love not to be? If so, why allow it in the first place?

Sonic had not wished for this. NOT IN THE LEAST OF THE MOMENT HE WAS IN! The hero felt like a traitor, or worse, the worthless rag doll he was when he was under Shadow's disturbing punishments of both harassment and agony. The pain.. Why did come? And why at this time? He walked away and looked at the wall behind him. He couldn't help but scream to the heavens in his mind with tears running down his face, 'GOD WHY?!' They didn't look at each other after that.

Just then, after a whole hour had passed, the sound of loud footsteps could be heard. The sound approached with every stroke of a second. Many of the prisoners noticed this and others knew who it was and ran for cover under their beds. The big buff dark skinned man was back with a cursive name on his uniform that says, "Sam" he steps were like stomps and his walks were like run-walks! He had the facial expression of a killer but a slight vision of friendliness within the feared man.

He walked over to the cell where Sonic and Rudolph were in and shook the keys indicating their attention. Sonic turned to the noise and saw the creepy guy. He had not noticed his upcoming presence, but he shrugged inwardly. "Someone's here to see you." said the man. Normally, visitors were to be seen outside of their prison cells and in phone booths or transparent walls with holes on both ends. When a visitor was allowed into a cell, it was either a large payment or it was a representative, like an attorney or something.

This seemed important, so he let the visitor in. Then, a idea moved to him, What if it was Shadow? That pernicious hedgehog seemed to get assistance from almost anywhere.. So why not here? A shadow was coming.. His green eyes drew back as the blue hedgehog was not noticeably petrified. It moved closer and closer.. His eyes moved farther and farther away. He shuttered his eyes from the fear he was in. The sound of the gate closing meant the visitor had entered, but his ears didn't pick up the tromping of "Sam's" big brown boots moving away.... Why?

In the center of the room stood the visitor. Sonic opened his eyes and a peak of light was first, then he saw her. 'Thank the heavens it wasn't Shadow!' thought the hedgehog. He resumed to his calm state. It was a mid-aged redhead female that was about a foot taller than Sonic, not counting her 2-inch black heels. She looked quite classy, but formidable. Despite this, her hair was clipped on the back and messy. "Hello, I'm your new attorney." He stood confused. Rudolph turned from his corner and looked at the one who came in. He didn't say anything though. "Hi.." Sonic said shyly and let out his covered hand. They shook hands and let go. The poor female had to bend down doing so.

"I just came to inform you on how the trial's going to go okay?" she said softly. "Okay." She sat down on what looked like a chair used in kindergarten schools. She took a glimpse of the area. Noticing Rudy she said hello, but he didn't respond. She then put her attention to Sonic. "So... first of all, I just want to know if you've ever been in a court before and not counting the time you got here." "No." Rudy grew a hidden anger.

Did this person even know who she was dealing with? He spoke out of hand, "Why are you here?" The lawyer turned to the hedgehog and responded, "I wanted this case." "Why you?" "Because his other lawyer couldn't be here." "Why?" "She's dead." "So you killed her to get paid the salary for representing a guy like him?" Sonic stepped forward into the conversation and yelled in annoyance, "Shut up Rudolph!" He look back at his lawyer and signaled for her to continue, "Actually," she turned her attention back to Sonic. "Margaret.... was killed just recently yesterday," she looked at her shoes as if embarrassed or something, "I don't really have specific targets in representing people."

She looked back at the green eyed hedgehog. "Okay." he replied. She explained the process and whether something was appropriate or not. Also that he would be asked questions. She stood up and asked with a lending hand, "You ready?" Sonic gave one last glance at Rudolph. He said goodbye without words and left toward the exit with "Sam" as their watcher and guidance. "Goodbye, Sonic..." said Rudy in a depressed mood. He stretched out as he could to catch any small glimpses of his hero, but he was gone. He went back to his bunk bed. He laid there and sobbed in silence.

--Somewhere Else....--

Knuckles had been confused onto why he was pushed away by Shadow and who he thought was Matt Wumperfield and actually Silver. He decided to undo the knots on the situation even if he would sew everything back with the seeds of doom. He approached Apartment No. 519 and before he put his palm on the doorbell, he heard voices. He came closer and pressed his head towards the door, listening.

"So what do we do now that she's dead?" asked Silver. "We wait and see what happens..." said the dark hedgehog as he smothered a bit of dust in his hand and to the ground. "And, Sonic?" "Hm.." he pondered for a moment and looked back at his assistant, "I heard he's going to trial today. I want you to get him the fuck out there." "H-How do I do that?" "Simple, Margaret's dead, that leaves you as the only attorney available." "Yeah, about that..." Silver moved away, but was stopped by Shadow's tough grasp on his arm, "But what?!" The hedgehog faced him and bit answering in fear of his boss' reaction, "He got a replacement."

The ebony hedgehog cried out, "HE GOT WHAT?!" Shadow shook his partner so vigorously that he nearly lost in what was going on with the blood being rushed to his head, sliding back and forth. "Why didn't you do something?!"He stopped his mad shaking as his rage began to drop. Silver shrugged childishly, hoping Shadow would recognize he was still the same immature one as always, "What could I do, they wouldn't have taken me anyway!" He released him and hit his head on the wall as if expecting something to come. The white hedgehog went over to him and tried calming him, "You'll think of something..." "Get you hand off of me Silver!" He withdrew his hand, "Sorry.." He sighed and backed from the wall, "What am I suppose to do then?! I just can't stay here with all trouble I caused and to what? Have that Sonic escape from me once more?! You and I know far too well that he deserves to be with me right now!" he pushed the other away in attempt to have himself cool down without the hedgehog asking more questions.

Silver didn't respond. He stood where he was and gazed around. Then, he caught a small glimpse of a being outside. "Shadow...." The black hedgehog had this head on his desk and his arms over it. "WHAT?!" he said in frustration. "I think I see someone!". "Ugh! JUST GO OPEN THE DAM DOOR SILVER!"

--On the other side of the door--
"WHAT?!" "I think I see someone!"." "Ugh! JUST GO OPEN THE DAM DOOR SILVER!" Once Knuckles heard those last words, he stood tall and positioned himself as if he were to ring the doorbell when the door opened.

Now, we can either go on, or we can stop here..
... No? Okay!

The white hedgehog widened his eyes. He didn't expect the echidna to be around. After all, wasn't he told not to come again or have contact with Shadow? So, why was he here? So many question zoomed through Silver's mind, but not one was asked. He simply let him in and closed the door behind him. "Shadow, it's Knuckles." he alarmed in a calm tone. The hedgehog instantly revived from his infuriated thoughts and attended Knuckles with a gradual greeting. "What a surprise to see you here." they gave each other a small handshake. He continued, "So, what brings you here?"

Knuckles crossed his arms and dropped the warm welcome with the replacement of a frown, "We need to talk, just you and I." The ebony hedgehog sat down, took a sip of his brewed coffee and signaled Silver to depart from the room. The white hedgehog muttered words to himself as he proceeded to the other room. Violet eyes beamed an angry sign at the hedgehog which startled him inwardly. "What's wrong?" said Shadow innocently. "I know what you said... I over heard your discussion with, " he moved his head to the side indicating he was referring to Silver.

"And, I just want you to know that it was great to know I thought I was helping my friend." Shadow stood up, both irritated and sweating inside with the anxiety of shushing Knuckles from telling anyone before he left. "Now, now, Knuckles, let me explain, see.. It's like this--" "I heard enough of what I should have known." "Yeah, but--" "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he pulled out a heavy silver pistol fr4om behind him. "There will be no one to tell to." He put the gun in his mouth and without another word.... The sound a gunshot was heard.

Shadow's zeal for blood stopped at that instant, or so, for this occasion. His heart beated rapidly. He stood stunned and when his senses returned, he got to the floor and shook the echidna, hoping he was stil alive. He din't rely on a response for life. The echidna had blood running from his nose and mouth. "K-Knuckles?" There was no response. Then, to make matters worse, black ears over heard a female scream. Shadow turned to the yeller, and it was Silver. He was shocked from head to limb.

He trembled in intense fear with his fingers in his mouth. "D-Did you do this Shadow?" he asked. "No! He shot himself!" He didn't understand why his apprentice would think he'd kill the echidna. That's when it hit him. He looked at his gloves. They were covered in fresh red blood. He withdrew his hands without looking away, "Oh, Shit!"
"What now?" asked Silver, who settled down more.  

DamagesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora