Late to School!

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Ayano woke up after falling asleep on Osano. She moved her head up and saw that she and Osano must've fell on the couch. Her head was on Osano's chest. When she realized this she stood up immediately, and turned on her phone. "8:10!"

Ayano's thoughts- Nononononononono! Ugh an hour of stalking Senpai, gone.
Ayano- Wake up Osano!!
Osano wakes up and sees the time!
Osano- AYANO! We're going to be late! Use the guest bathroom and I'll use my bathroom! Okay?!
Ayano- Okay!
Osano dashes to his room and quickly showers, toothbrush, do this hair and changes. Ayano does the same in the guest restroom. After that they grab there bags and head out.
Osano- We need to get to school fast. Get on my back.
Ayano- W-what?!
Osano-* Grabs Ayano and puts her on his back* *
Osano starts to run to school.
Ayano's thoughts- What's happening? Why do I feel this way?! I feel comfort.

While Ayano was thinking she accidentally kicked Osano's leg.
Ayano- S-sorry!
Osano- J-just shut up.

Once they get to school it's 8:25 and Midori Gurin, sees them and takes a picture and sends it to all of the social butterflies saying, " Look what I saw at school this morning!" Ayano and Osano run to school and into their classes making it on time.

Ayano checks in with her teacher and shows all her progress on her work.

Ayano's Teacher- Wow in very impressed, you have a strong lead.
Ayano- Thank you!

Osano's Teacher- Here you go, good job on the test.

Osano flips the page and sees a 97%.
Osano's Thoughts- Yes! I did well!
Osano looks and sees that Taro got an 80%
He thinks to himself, " Wow I did better than Taro, wayyy better.

It was now second period and Ayano and Osano have the same homeroom class, and they sit right next to each other. Osano stares at Ayano for almost 5 minutes until the teacher told him to pay attention.

-Lunch Time-
Ayano goes to the roof top and realizes she didn't have enough time to make lunch and she didn't even have breakfast. Osano realizes the same thing and texts Ayano.

Osano- Wanna get lunch outside of school?
Ayano- Sure
Osano- Okay go to the front of the school building.

Authors Note: Hello! The next one will be out in 2 or 1 hours! And it's going to be about their lunch together so it may be on the short side. Thanks for reading Osano X Ayano

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