'But... Your mate,' I whisper.

'I uhhh... She was nothing but a fling. I can't love her. I can't love her because she was helping your father.'

'Was?,' I ask confused.

'Yes, she died today between all those rogues you slaughtered,' he says it as if he is proud.

Tears start to fill my eyes. I can not believe he let me kill his mate! My body become numb and I have no idea where I get the energy and power from, but I hit him hard in his face. So hard that he starts bleeding. He just stands there and smiles at me.

'I hate you,' I whisper.

'I know you do,' he tells me.

I try to hit him again, but he grabs my fist in his hands. I kick him and he blocks that with his other hand.

He pushes me way back and let's me go.

'You are so going down,' I say with a smile.

'All you need to do is wait. Wait for the right moment. Wait for your target to loose focus.'

I waited. I waited for a long time. When Mona did loose her focus I attacked. I kicked her to the ground and she tried to push me away but nothing worked.

'At this moment, you don't hesitate. You end their lives or they will end you.'

'I can't kill. You know that!'

'Yes I do know that. Because you're my sweet little wolf.'

'Iew! Get a room!,' Mona yelled getting up.

Arthur kissed my forehead and my hole body shivered. I was in love with the male standing before me that day.

'You have gotten stronger, faster, better,' Arthur says as I hold him down. 'But you forgot the one important rule!'

He grabs my hand, flicks me over and places his hand by my throat.

'Oh I didn't forget,' I say with my knee near his crotch and he gets off of me with a smile.

'Smart move, little wolf.'

He helps me up and I give him a hug. A low growl comes from Luke and i can clearly see that he is holding himself in line.

'I'll see you around,' Arthur tells me.


He shifts and without looking back he runs away. Pain flashes through me. I have no idea where it is coming from. The agony won't stop.

'Angel!,' Luke yells when I crash to the ground my body shaking as if I am having a cold.

I close my eyes and see a bright light. Coming closer and closer and then a scream, my mother's scream. As if she is in pain, as if she can't take it anymore.

And then... A warning by an unknown voice.

'Angel! Angel! Be prepared, he is coming. He is coming!'

'Who is coming?'

'Death itself!'

'When? When is it coming?'

With that I wake up breathing heavily only to see that I am in Luke's room alone.

I try to get up, but pain flashes through my body. The door opens and Maria walks in.

'No, no, no, no. Lay down,' she says, but I fight to get back up again.

'No, I have to get up. He is coming!'

'Who is coming?,' Maria asks worried.

'Death, death is coming,' I tell her and with that the agony falls over me again. I cramp in one and hold my belly.

'Death? What are you talking about?,' Maria asks pushing me down on the bed again.

'You don't understand! Someone is going to die! Someone I care about is going to die!,' I say and with that the pain is leaving my body.

'Did you have a vision?'

I nod slowly and try not to cry. This is bad. What kind of a warning is that? It could mean a lot. Does it mean my father is coming and destiny will be fulfilled?

Does it mean someone I care about will die?

Also when... When will this happen?

'I will warn the Alphas.'

She leaves the room and I hold myself in one place.

'What does it mean?,' I whisper.

Suddenly my mom stands before me and I look at her in shock. My skin becomes pale and my heart is going slower, as if I am in another universe. Another heaven.


'Don't worry my child. You will loose someone, but it's​ only because it must be done.'

'I don't understand.'

'You will understand. It's the Moon's blessing, but she will take it away from you and everyone else. Only so you stay strong and fulfill destiny.'

'Mom? What are you...'

She disappears and I feel a liquid flowing out of me. I look down to see that it is blood. Blood only.

I want to scream, but my throat is not letting me.

What is happening?

Why am I... Bleeding?

I place my hands in front of my mouth in shock.

I was pregnant? But it has only been three days... I don't understand.

The door opens.

Maria, Marcus, Romy, Jim and Luke walk in and start to panic when they see the blood.

'What is going on?,' Luke asks.

'I think... I think I just got a miscarriage.'

They look from Luke to me and back to Luke.

'You mean to say that you were pregnant? How didn't you know?,' Romy asks angry as if it is ll my fault.

'How could she know. It would have been a three day old baby,' Luke tells her, growling. Marcus pulls his mate behind him and growls back at Luke.

'Just leave, but remember brother. One day, I will fight you and I will kill you for how you betrayed me!,' Luke says.

They all leave except Luke and Maria.

'I'll clean this up. Help her take a shower,' Maria says. I want to stop her, but I know she won't take no for an answer.

'I don't understand... How can I be pregnant and then it just leaves within three days?,' I ask in a haze. My heart starts cramping now as reality sets in. I can't believe I just had a miscarriage in this way too early stage.

Luke doesn't say anything. All he does is help me take of my cloths and help me in the shower.

'We'll get a new pup when all of his is over,' he tells me and we both look at each other intense.

Because we both know that it won't happen.
When all this is over...

I will be no more.

I will never get to hold my pup. I will never give him his future Alpha. When I die he will have to find a new Luna and get his heir out of her.

Never will I get to hold my own pup, unless I go to heaven and my pup is there. I don't know how that works when a pup is only three days old.

I sure hope I get to hold him or her.

I would love to hold my pup one time if it is possible.


Kind of a filler chapter.
I am so sorry.

More tragic things will happen soon

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