The Clone Wars Instant Messaging

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JaigEyesClone- Rex

ProphecyHolder- Anakin

Padawan@War- Ahsoka

WhistleMaster- R2-D2

By_The_Books- Cody

LuckyNumbers- Fives

ProphecyHolder has joined the chat

JaigEyesClone has joined the chat

Padawan@War has joined the chat

ProphecyHolder: Hey.....

JaigEyesClone: Morning General

Padawan@War: Hey Skyguy.....

By_The_Books has joined the chat

By_The_Books: Morning all

JaigEyesClone: Hey Cody

ProphecyHolder: Morning

Padawan@War: Hi Cody

LuckyNumbers has joined the chat

LuckyNumbers: So, what are you guys talking bout?

ProphecyHolder: Oh, nothing, just saying hello to each other...........

JaigEyesClone has left the chat

Padawan@War has left the chat

By_The_Books has left the chat

ProphecyHolder: Was it something I said?

LuckyNumbers has left the chat

ProphecyHolder: Oh come on! -_-"

ProphecyHolder has left the chat

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