White Wolves - Chapter ten

Start from the beginning

He suddenly realized his nakedness at my comment and with a small yelp tried to cover himself with his body to the best of his abilities.

- D-Don't look! T-turn the other way!

Wolf subject, wolf subject, wolf subject... Oh god damn his erotic cuteness, it was too much temptation!

And like that I jumped him, being unable to hold back anymore and made love to him once more. And again back at the cabin, on the lake, and like that we spend our days, just lazily chilling around after making love, snuggled in one another, telling the other about our tastes, our dreams and fears... Both of us lied on the fears part, I could see it in his eyes and the event with his wolf was still firmly craved on my mind, but if Samuel hadn't told me yet about it, then he had his reasons and would tell me once he was ready. I hoped. Something kept whispering in back of my mind that if he didn't, something bad would happen, and that was my fear. Maybe his wolf was trying to protect Sam and warn me, but about what? But whenever I was about to cave in and ask him about it, something else would distract me and like that the few days we had left went by in both a perfect peacefulness and something dark luring threateningly over my thoughts. But whatever it was, I would rather die if I had too, in order to protect Samuel. And I know just what I had to do, to make sure he always stayed by my side, safe and guarded.


All too soon it came to an end, but Aaron didn't seemed to mind. He was happily driving, humming to random songs in the radio.

Everything had been so wonderful and heavenly, that I had actually thought it was just a dream, that Jonh had killed me and I somehow had went to heaven. But when Aaron said we had to leave and return, I knew I hadn't.

I wished I could be as happy as Aaron was, but Jonh's presence was slowly creeping up to me, crawling like goose bumps into my head, getting worst by each minute we got closer. I was feeling a tight knot in my stomach and throat, my heart felt like it was being crushed in a vice grip, and I felt like I was about to trow up. I just felt like jumping out of the car and run back to that little cabin in the woods, were it was just me and Aaron.

Sighing, I tried to relax for the ride and see what would happen. I just hopped no one would notice my mark.

Aaron occasionally send me worried glances, followed by reassuring smiles, probably sensing my worry trough our bond. It had a calming effect on me and soon I was asleep with the soothing motions of the car.

I felt myself stirring, and jerked awake. We were already at the packhouse.

Aaron smiled at me once more, and quickly brushed our lips in a soft peck and said he loved me. I answered back in a numbed way, I felt like it was getting harder to breath, that I was suffocating and the lack of oxygen was making me dizzy. It was all I could think off, this suffocating feeling hovering over me, crushing me under it's invisible weight.

It was all too foggy, I felt so dizzy, like I was numb to the things around me. Like I wasn't high, and wasn't answering for myself. What was happening? Aaron didn't seemed to notice anything... was it all in my head?

My wolf... my wolf wasn't answering, but was watching everything unwrap behind my eyes. Since the full moon, he had been asleep, his presence barely there, but now he was wide awake, on alert.

Valery's and Reyes' scents hit me before I even look up when I suddenly found myself outside the car, not even remembering coming out. But I almost fainted when Jonh's scent hit me afterwards. My knees trembled and buckled and almost gave away under me.

Aaron grabbed me by the waist and for a moment I felt panic. But maybe he noticed and was helping me stand up, right now I didn't know what to think, everything was happening so quickly, with a scary numbness.

But the thought that he was just helping me was quickly crushed when he nuzzled my neck on the mark spot, and claimed loudly and excited, even if in my head it seemed distant, like an echo:

- It's official, we're mated now!

My body froze, and I almost passed out at Jonh's face. It was a mix between surprise, anger and disgust. I really thought I was gonna trow up...

The rest happened in a blur, but at the same time in slow motion. Every one came closer to us, saying, perhaps screaming by the pounding in my head, things I didn't even processed.

I heard nothing, saw nothing, felt nothing but Jonh. Just standing there, at a corner, looking at me with utter fury, anger, hatred in his black eyes. I was scared, so scared... that look, he... he would kill me, I knew it!

At the end, no matter how powerful everyone around me was, maybe even how strong my wolf was, to me, he would always be  the ghost in my shadow, the paralyzing fear in my nightmares, he would be that one thing that kept me from truly living some happy oblivious life full with love and nothing else. Even if they were just beatings, even if I didn't really cared for the color of my fur, even if he never has much has got five feet close to me after coming... he haunted me. No, it wasn't him, he was nothing. Except to me he was, perhaps not truly him, but his haunting power of never ending shadows up ahead of me, the threat of his hatred towards me, so much I feared he would do anything to destroy me.

In the end, I would always be the coward who cringed at his presence. No, I would be the haunting shadow of this pack. Whatever would happen, it would be my fault. They would suffer, and I would suffer with their suffering.

So, I took the coward's way, what both felt like the selfish and the altruist route, and... ran.

Shifting right then and there, in front of everyone, I shifted into the so much hated White Wolf, and ran away from Jonh, Valery, Aaron... the life the pack had promised me full of insecurity and hurt, and that way, hopped they could live a happy life instead.

Don't kill me! *cowers and  hide's under table*, thrust me, you will probably have more reasons to kill me in the next chapter... sort of... dunno. Anyway, I'll be updating the next reaaaally soon, it should be done in this week period. Till then, hugs and kisses for the people who bother to read the story AND this stupid silly notes!

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