The decision

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Shall I carry on and risk being even later to college? What shall I do?

I had to make the decision and fast. I had decided. I dragged my legs along and pushed on by. The further I walked it felt like more punishment. I could see one of the men constantly stirring at me through the rear window. He had a look in his eye like he was on a mission. But a mission to what? I had again started to feel sick. Every step I made I had felt like something was pushing me back, like I had a tone of bricks laying on my body it was like A warning.

I had started to feel a sign of relief, I had nearly made it past them. I began to start questioning myself. How stupid could I be to think something like that? I had nearly made it. But how stupid was I? Right in front of me the door swung right open. I was stuck in shock, my limbs wouldn't move.

Suddenly I had found myself stuck frozen solid with a man right in front of me. I started to feel danger, for the first time in my life I had found myself never feeling so scared of someone. Stuck for words, I stepped back and the second door slammed shut, making me jump out of my skin with terror.

I had found myself stuck with two men stood either side of me. Slowly they started to get closer until I was pinned against the wall unable to move, I looked to try find an escape. However not one I could see in sight. What was I going to do? I had never been so terrified. Could I make it out? If only their was an escape. Why isn't their anyone in sight? Why are the streets so quiet?

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