Marry Me?

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Looking around,reading street signs She wasn't quite sure of where She was or how to get where she was supposed to be going. Suddenly the map that had been in her hands fluttered to the floor and She stumbled backwards. Trying to regain her balance a young man roughly around 20 turned around and rushed to help her. Cupping her elbow and his other hand on the small of her back She looked up. She was breathless, he was stunningly beautiful looking at her with bright blue eyes his blonde hair in an organized mess. He looked at her apologetically "are you okay?" his Irish accent was thick. She smiled at him reassuringly. "yeah I am, thanks" he smiled back. She couldn't put her finger on it but She knew she recognized him from somewhere. "are you lost?" he asked picking the map back up. She nodded slowly. "actually I kind of am. I'm just looking for somewhere to eat". He thought for a minute, as if he was deciding if he was going to continue on with whatever he had been doing,folded the map and put into his back pocket. "I'm Niall." he said stretching his hand out to hers. He gently shook her hand as if he could break it if he shook it to hard. "I'm Brianna" She smiled at him. Brushing the hair out of her face that was blowing wildly with the wind he offered to show her around. That was the beginning of it all. He brought her to a place called nandos to eat, although Shed never been to one he swore it was worth trying it. He'd walked her back to where she was staying and politely said he would see her around. Before he left she asked if he like to have some coffee, or something. They talked for hours, late into the evening. After he left she still was trying to put her finger on where shed seen him. He seemed so familiar. They began hanging out all of the time.

Three years later they were sitting in that same nandos. It was amazing to look back at how it had all started and to think how different things would be had he not bumped her. Looking into his eyes now she couldn't picture things without him. He was her everything and he lit up her world like nobody else. He looked at her now with what looked like he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He pushed her dirty blond hair behind her ear as to get a better look at her. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He looked scared. Brianna looked at him puzzled, her heart thudding in her chest, she was sure he could hear it. He tried again "Brianna, you know that you mean the world to me, you know that I love you with everything I have. You're all I think about, all that I need. It's everything about you, you've got that one thing.." he paused and she giggled at the references to his bands songs. "I brought you here that first day we met and I'd be lying if I said I bumped into you that day on accident. The moment I saw you I had to have you I just knew it. I regretted not kissing you that first night walking home. I promise to love you forever and that I'll always protect you and be there when you need me.." she cut him off becoming confused and nervous. "Niall, babe I know all of this. What's going on?" he chuckled lightheartedly "was I rambling? I'm sorry.. The point I'm trying get at is that I promise I'll always be here and that I'll never let you fall.. I love you," he paused, her heart was ready to burst. He smiled at her wide-eyed expression. "I'm trying to ask you to marry me Bri." he pulled out a small black velvet box from the pocket of his jeans. Everything was spinning, it was hard to breath and hard to see his beautiful face through the tears streaming down her face. She took a deep breath "y-yes" She stammered. As she tried to wrap her head around marrying Niall Horan, once her celebrity crush to her best friend to her boyfriend and now his fiancé, the door opened and walked in the rest of One Direction. They all came straight to the table goofy grins greeting them all around they squeezed in. "so by the look on her face and the tears I'm going to say you've done it" Harry chuckled. Liam rubbed her shoulder congratulating her. Niall hadn't even gotten to put the ring on her finger before they all were trying to grab her hand. "guys I haven't even gotten it on her finger! Can I put it on before you attack my fiancé's hand?" he smiled widely at the new title. The boys backed off allowing him to pull the ring out and slip it onto her outstretched hand. She stared at her ring finger. The boys all stared at her. After a few minutes she realized they were staring at her. Smiling meekly, her cheeks turned scarlet red, and tears brimmed in her eyes again, looking at Niall her smile grew and she couldn't help herself anymore she reached over the table grabbing his face in her hands and kissed him. Forgetting where they were she threw herself into the kiss, her fingers tangling in his hair, the table causing to much room to be between them. Breaking the kiss for air Louis whistled at the couple. Brianna turning red all over again shifted her eyes toward her lap and giggled. "sorry, haha, kind of um... Just yeah..." she smiled looking at Niall. He winked at her, a signal that they can continue later. Zayn caught that and laughed at the two "okay you guys will have your whole lives together, please not here! Nah I'm joking do what ever your little hearts desire," he smiled widely at the couple.



Okie so I really like this one not only because when I started it I was driving to NH and was just goofing around but because it genuinely makes me feel better when I'm upset. I'm not entirely sure where this is going yet, but hopefully somewhere good! I hope you like it as much as I do dearies<3

Vote/comment! Do both they're much appreciated! Especially if you guys have any ideas just message me!! Cx

Much much love Bree Xx

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