First Contact

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"We were about twenty minutes out from our target when we first made contact. I was chatting it up with Eugene, our radio man, when the first calls crackled across his radio. I ran back and racked my .50 caliber machine guns and waited. What I didn't know at the time, was that the whole mission was FUBAR. Command couldn't give two f**ks worth a damn whether we hit our targets or not that day. The real mission was using us as bait to draw out the Luftwaffe for our Mustangs, so when we made contact, our escorts broke off to engage leaving us high and dry.
Frank Thompson was our tail gunner, had been since the beginning. I spotted an ME-109 at 5 o' clock just outside my arc and Frank couldn't swing over in time. When I ran back to check on him, at first, I thought he was just leaning forward, but then I realized he had his... he had his head blown off. We were still in the thick of it and there was no time to mourn. Those Krauts, they just don't give up easy."

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