The Refugee Project

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When two girls named Aloe and Sage were seven, President Antel was elected for his eight years of leadership. The first thing he did was pass a law to say anyone who leaves their sector is punishable by death. Two months ago, eight years later, he was re-elected for another eight. President Antel ordered that no women were allowed to have jobs because he thought they were considered inferior to men and not worthy of working a man's job. The opinion and law caught on fast, leaving many women with no where to go with no job. Luckily for some, they were already married and had children. Even with just two months, women still had children. If it wasn't a boy, it wasn't of value. They would throw it out, just like the Ancient Spartans did. The new law shakes the sector of Botanee. Many women were gardners. They have to quit it to not get into trouble. When food declines in Botanne and an unexpectable occurrence happens, Aloe and Sage start something for girls, some place to keep them safe.

The land of Quarcia is divided into 10 sectors.

Botanee grows food crops and flowers of all kinds. But they are also the poorest division. The citizens live in penury (or poverty). Each and every one of them longs for an actual meal.

There's Canîdal, the hardened criminals. Candîdal is basically a large prison. Canîdal is where all of the worst criminals are exiled to. It's a dark, dark place. It's filled with guards, and it's the richest, largest division in Quarcia. No one knows why it's the richest coming from an asylum.

There's Mepastell, the artists. Mepastell is the second poorest division. So many people try to make a living selling their art. It's quite sad, really.

There's Gulfnic, the fishermen. Gulfnic specializes in seafood. They spend their days in the harbor trying to catch something sellable.

There's Okenwood, the carpenters and lumberjacks. In Oakenwood the people spend all day chopping trees and building furniture.

There's Cottelice, the designers. Cottelice is where people work designing clothes and harvesting cotton. They make the clothes and sell them for good money. Cottelice is the third richest division. That is where the president lives because of the hottest clothing and designs.

There's Hurk, the technological geeks. Hurk is the smallest, second richest division. The people there design software and make a ton of money with their products.

There's Wokenstine, the weaponry. The people there build weapons for the guards to use on border patrol.

There's Googliboo, the jesters, the toymakers, and the drunks. Why it's named that? The founder of it was a drunk. The people asked what to he wanted to call their new sector, and the first thing that came out of his mouth was Googliboo. In Googliboo, life is a joke. If you have a job, you spend your days making toys. If you don't have a job, you drink with your buddies and tell stupid jokes.

There's lastly Peaceminiful. They compose music and are very peaceful. They are pretty rich and totally discourages violence.

And with that, the people's name represent their sector. Ex. Someone loves in Cottelice. There name could be Belk.

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