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no-one understands.

They don't have to witnes the pain.

The pain of knowing, the pain of feeling, the pain of loss.

The pain of know ing that it's your fault.

Of having guilt so bad that it make you double over in pain.

Guilt that can make you hate yourself. Everything you stand for, Everything that you are.

And self hatred that makes you unbareable to be around.

And before you know it you are left alone. All alone in a world where everybody has somebody.

No chance of knowing what really happened.

Once your mind starts twisting things.

Your memories become fake. Tampered with either for the good or the bad.

Memories of happiness turn into hatred, lonliness into love.

The memories of exactly who you are are lost.

Memories that are screaming out for attention.

Dusty and dirty from neglect.

Neglect of feelings, so that numbness is all thats left. Numbness makes it less painful.

Less painful to get through another day.

Because everyday is like hell.

A firey, hot, horrible place to be.

A place where hope is lost, morals are lost, leaving only your worst traits.

It's like a nightmare come to life.

The nightmare of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2012 ⏰

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