Chapter 1 - White Lilies

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So...where do you want to start?
From the start, of course.

A typical day in your life might consist of sitting in some office, tapping your life away like rain dripping aimlessly from a cloud. You might have the chance to spend time with friends and family from time to time, yet your job would be your prison.

Prisons suck. I've seen them on TV once before as a kid. My dad worked as a policeman, so when he told me he was at prison all day, I took that to mean he was metaphorically calling his job a prison. I wasn't too far from being wrong, though: you're forced to slave away for hours on end in the same cyclic nature. Each and every day, you'd be controlled by the mastermind and heart of the establishment.

I knew I would end up falling into that cycle if I didn't do anything. I would be the one monitoring my pointless life and how my mind would dictate what automatic actions I had to do: eat, sleep, work...

I would end up being a robot. I would end up being a complex mechanic with simple needs.

That wasn't the case for me, Yuu Nishinoya, though.

I owned a chocolate shop with my good friend Suga constantly supporting me. He'd always stop by and sit outside and chat with me while I worked inside. He really appreciated how much dedication I put into my work; he decided to buy me some furniture to help liven up the place.

I remember this particular day like it was a once in a lifetime trip to an exotic place like Hawaii: Suga had entered my shop for the first time, and although he refused offers to buy any chocolate, he insisted on placing some much needed furniture in my place to truly add some colour (and spice) to a sweet delicacy of a second home to me.
"There. I thought some little flowers on the table here would remind you that your good old senpai helped you out," the silver haired boy chimed as he neatly arranged the white lilies in an extravagant vase. Luckily, it was made of plastic, so there'd be no chance of me carelessly dropping it like the senseless puppet I was.

"Thank you, Suga-san!" Despite being new to being not just a worker at my chocolate shop, but the manager too, I was certain that I would easily succeed in whatever chores I'd have ahead of me. I loved moulding chocolate and testing which flavours went terrific together.

I was basically like a kid placed in a candy store - quite literally!

While I anticipated my first customer, Suga excused himself from my establishment to lean against the window beside me, talking to me through the thin glass. His tinned voice echoed around the room, yet it somehow caressed my ears with beautiful grace, although his harmonies were blocked by the layer of glass.
"You'll be seeing more people soon, I'm sure of it. There's a new worker at my place of whom will be recommended (by me) to visit your place."

This sprouted my interest. I was a blooming flower by the time Suga turned to look at me; my smile was as white as the lilies he placed in my shop.
"Do you think he'll like to eat here sometime?" I energetically beamed.

Suga's hazel eyes softened beneath his pale cheeks, reciprocating a grin as pure and magical as my aforementioned one.
"Of course. Just give him time. I'm sure he'll just have to someday!"

"What does he look like?" I curiously pondered aloud, Suga's ears silently twitching at my question. He hesitated with a long pause, tapping his hand on his chin before looking up at the sky.

"Like the morning sun. Not too harsh, yet majestically eye-catching."

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