Chapter 22

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The first meeting with Javed's parents went surprisingly perfect – his father was basically Javed's older version in terms of smooth talk and gallantry but has had enough stature to impress the men in the family too. Javed's mother was very poised and civil but Anjali couldn't shake off the feeling that something was boiling under that cold demeanor. Maybe it was the way she spoke in harsh short sentences… or the way she grimaced every time Mami-ji tried to showcase Anjali's "traditional values"… but something was definitely off.

Later that day when guests has finally left for the evening Anjali worked up the courage to ask Javed as to what was that all about. She knew he'd be reluctant to answer seeing how he disliked discussing his parents since their divorce… but she still had to ask. They were HIS parents after all.

- Javed-ji, - she started softly when they were finally alone on a terrace, - what does has against traditional values? I have a feeling she despises the mere mention of them…

He scoffed sadly:

- You've noticed, huh? Yeah, she wasn't tying all that hard to conceal it… I'm sorry, I'll talk to her…

Anjali touched his forearm to show her acceptance and genuine concern with his sadness:

- No-no, it's not that, she was perfectly civil about it – in fact, I think I'm the only one who had noticed so I'm asking you if I'm seeing things that aren't there…

Javed took her arm in his and watched their entwined fingers for a long time. Then he spoke:

- The full story of my parents divorce is that my farther has cheated on my mother.

Anjali sighed in horror – the subject of cheating husbands was too close to home, too close to what have happened to her parents and to her personally…

Javed caressed Anjali's palm in soothing motion and continued:

- It was one time mistake – and I actually believe him when my farther says it – and he was so devastated and filled with guilt that he confessed everything to my mother right away.

He tried to smile but it looked like a grimace of pain:

- The sad part is that I think she would've forgave him if it happened during our time in Paris – she loved him so much! But… India has changed her – made her bitter, less patient… Everything here irked her, she wanted to go home so badly, but my father still had that big governmental program he oversaw so he couldn't leave… And when he came clean about everything my mother just got it in her head that he didn't want to leave because of "the other woman".

Anjali's head was spinning. Not so long ago "the other woman curse" came hunting her brother's wedding day – and now it appears it has corrupted Javed's family too.

- Oh, Javed-ji, I'm so sorry, I should've not had asked…

- Shh, Anjali, it's fine, you had every right to ask, I wouldn't kept it from you anyway.

She nodded grateful for his openness to her – and asked:

- But what does it have to do with my traditional values?

Javed shrugged:

- It's not about your values, it's about all Indian traditional values… You see, that woman was a frequent guest in our house in Mumbai, she even tried to get me engaged to her daughter who was supposedly "the perfect Indian bride any family can only ask for"… I guess, after my father… - it was hard for Javed to talk about it, Anjali could see it, but he'd still continued, - my mom just started to resent the whole institution of Indian traditions.

He raised his head, his eyes were apologetic:

- I'm sorry if my family history takes a toll on you, I'll try to mend it…

Anjali silenced him and cupped his face softly:

- It's ok, Javed-ji, I'm a big girl, you don't need to fight my battles, I am Anjali Singh Raizada, after all!

It sounded so pompous and self-righteous that Javed smiled a crocked smile:

- I dearly hope my mother will realize this and won't hold my father's mistakes against you… for she will surely loose as you have a home field advantage!

Anjali nodded regally and added:

- You probably don't know but I once hired Khushi-ji to teach Lavanya how to be a perfect bahu in this house… and in the end they both succeeded on wining Nani-ji over!

Javed laughed whole-heartedly scarring away some birds that were roaming the terrace floor:

- I guess, Khushi-ji has definitely won this competition! But I'm not sure that bhai is the best prize she could've hoped for!

- Hey! Shut it, Jev! – came the voice from below. Javed and Anjali looked over the handrail to see Arnav and Khushi standing on the ground with Arnav's hand around Khushi's shoulder.

Javed pointed out in lecturing tone:

- Chi-chi-chi, bro, it's very impolite to eavesdrop!

Arnav retorted immediately:

- What IS impolite – is to wreck havoc in the living room with that awful noise you pass as a laughter! Nani-ji thought that some monkey choked on a banana and sent us out to find a poor creature! I had to stand up from the couch because of you, Jev!

Anjali snorted trying to conceal her laugh and Javed winked at Khushi who was obviously enjoying this little friendly banter:

- You are most welcome, my dear friend, for this distraction from your sitting life! If it weren't for me you'd miss out on such a lovely evening!

All of them turned around to watch the night. The real estate next to Shantivan belonged to some rich European business tycoon who spared no money to turn his land into glorious pine forest to remind him of his homeland in the midst of Indian heat and palm trees. Raizadas liked the idea a lot as it gave them a nice (albeit very unusual) view to that side of the house – Arnav even changed one wall to a French window to make it more accessible.

Both couples stand there in silence overviewing the forest, listening to sounds of nightlife, watching how red beam broke through the thick branches…

"Wait! What beam?" – this thought came as a lightning through Javed's mind and he yanked Anjali to the floor while screaming:

- Arnav! Duck! Now!

And that was when the first shots were fired…

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