Chapter 1

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"Drizzy that shit was fire bro!" my producer/ best friend 40 praised me as left the booth.

I simply replied "Thanks man." 

It was a normal day in the studio for me and 40 in Atlanta. I had just dropped my 5am in Toronto viral video plus Snoop dropped our No Guns Allowed video to so all in all it was a pretty good day so far.

"Hey Ryan finna come thru he said he got something to show you."

"Hmm wonder what it is?"

"No telling with him!"

About an hour later in comes Ryan, Chubbs, and Courtne. Everybody greeted each other. But I was eager to see what Ryan wanted to show me.

"Cuzzo what did you have to show me?"

Ryan looked everywhere but at me "Well um… Drizz you know Nicki and Wayne dropped that high school vid today right?"

Hmph yea I heard about it but I've been trying not to keep up with Nicki since we still weren't on speaking terms since our little break up.

"Yea I heard about it, why?"

"Well you need to see it!" Courtne spoke

"Alright I guess!" 

And everyone gather around as Chubbs pulled out the MacBook and brought the music video up on YouTube. As soon as I seen her in that pink bikini I was in a trance. I mean just because we broke up didn't mean I thought she was any less beautiful if anything she looked more amazing. But when it got to her and Weezy in the bed, touching, rubbing, her riding this nigga I was ready to fight but I sat there and finished watching the video. Everyone was waiting on me to react but what could I do or hell even say since that night of the AMA's she hasn't been mine so it's not my place to be angry I guess.


"Onika I'm just saying I'm ready to tell people and what better way than 
tonight at this awards."

"Brey this isn't the right time to tell people about us."

"Fuck then when is hell where engaged now Nika why not tell people huh?"


"Because what huh? Are you ashamed of me or us?"

"No babe I…"

"Or do you like the fact that people think you and Safaree or that Bryxx nigga are a couple? Cuz if that's who you want I can leave."

"You know what get the fuck outta here with all that ok damn I'm just not ready ok shit Aubrey"

Drake through his hands up in defeat and shook his head slowly while backing away from her "Fine I'm done arguing with you. I'm tired of doing this shit your way all the damn time. We been together over 3 yrs. now Onika. I understand you want to stay out the media but damn do we look like 'jay and b'? No."

"Baby you know I love you I'm sorry I'm not ready yet but I will be one day…" Nicki tried to walk towards Drake but he stopped her. "No Onika. No more I love you's, I'm sorry, or I'm not ready yet's. Either we tell people tonight or I'm done. We're done."

Nicki looked down as the tears formed in her eyes and fell. She hated the words that were about to come out her mouth "Fine I guess we're through then"

Drake looked at her in disbelief "Fine" And with that Drake walked out of Nicki's home. Only to see later that night at the AMA's. But that was truly the last time either had been around each other.

Flashback Over

"So you not mad? Like if this was my girl I would be in fight mode tryna whoop everybody ass!" Chubbs went on and broke me out of my thoughts.

I smiled lightly to mask the hurt "That's the thing though, she's not mine anymore."

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