Burch and Daniel: A Love Story

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After the successful global round in hanoi, Burch and Daniel were sitting at a table, figuring out details about the upcoming tournament of champions. While doing so, Burch realised that he loved Daniel. After all, they were a big part of each others lives. Burch then realised  that he isn't  going to waste time and decided to get a ring so that he could propose to Daniel.

After getting the ring,Burch invited Daniel over for dinner. Daniel realised  that Burch wasn't  acting like himself and asked him about it. Burch then got up abruptly,grabbed his guitar and started playing Daniel a song about how he feels towards Daniel.Daniel was stunned and his eyes started to water. Burch then got down on his knees and pulled out a ring. "Daniel Berdichevsky,will you marry me?" Burch asked, hope flashing in his eyes.
"Yes!" Daniel said.

They got married, adopted two kids named Jerry and Skittles. Then they lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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