Chapter 6: I'll always follow her

Start from the beginning

This must have something to do with Perry's new involvement with the team. I know Bree has expressed on various occasions her dislike for the woman, but I was unable to sympathise with her until today.

'Perry?' I question, tilting my head slightly to the left awaiting a reply.

'Is it that obvious?' She huffs, moving her arms in an effort to raise herself into a kneeling position. She closes her eyes as she runs her hand through her brown locks, easing out any knots which had formed.

She's so beautiful.. Wait. What? Ugh now is not the time for this Skylar, focus on helping her, you can figure this out in your own time!

'Honestly? Yes. I mean I get that she can be.. Annoying.' I say as I quickly glance to my phone which screen is still lighting up from the series of messages pouring in.

'But she's not hurting anyone. What's so bad about her joining anyway?'

Bree's eyes fly open, her eyes locked on mine, a steely gaze filling them. Maybe I should've kept quiet.

'I mean, Y'know, she can't do a lot, she'll just be sitting off to the side most of the time, not really doing anything.' Bree's gaze still doesn't falter. Ok. Now I really should stop talking.

'That woman. Hates me. Skylar. She hates me. She goes out of her way to make my life a living hell. I've always been picked on the most by her throughout my life. Sure she picked on Adam and Chase, but I always seemed to bare the worst of it. And yes she picked on Leo, at lot, but they had a weird little frenemy thing going on, that was expected. But me. She's only ever insulted me as a person, who I am, what I do, who I like, all of it. And I'm sick of it. I want it to stop!' Bree rants, her voice breaking near the end as her steely gaze is replaced by soft tearful orbs.

I had no idea she felt this way.

'Bree. I'm so sorry.' I whisper to her, leaning forward to wrap her into a hug. She grasps onto my arms around her as her body shakes with sobs. We stay like this for a while until her breathing calms.

I untangle myself from her grasp to look her in the eyes. Her tear filled, red, puffy and yet somehow still breathtaking, eyes.

'I'm sure Perry never meant to single you out like that. From what I've learnt after being trapped in mission command with her this afternoon, it doesn't seem like she hates you. I think she enjoys the rivalry between you all. Y'know, I would even go as far as to say that all of this is her weird, icy hearted way of saying that she cares about you guys.' I tell Bree, gently tucking a lose strand of her hair behind her ear.

'Do you really think so?' She sniffs, looking at me, her eyes shining with hope.

'I do.' I smile at her, which causes her own smile to form upon her face.

'Thank you Skylar. You're the best.' She leans over to wrap me in a hug of her own. 'Not to mention an incredible team leader.' She whispers into my ear, causing a blush to bloom across my face as she tightens the hug.

Oh Bree. What are you doing to me.

Bree's POV:

I give Skylar one more heart warming squeeze before letting go of the hug.

Why do I already miss her contact? Snap of out of it Bree!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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