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your pov

As I was laying down in pain due to , how much blood I was losing every second , I was hoping that my child was okay and safe.

yes , I'm pregnant.

I found out the next day , after the party I got invited too with taehyung. I wanted to surprise him when I thought he , wanted to meet at the " park " but , it was a trap.

" HEY TRASH " irene yelled.

I turned my head towards her. I gave her a cold glare.

" look , you giving me glares ain't scaring me , honey " irene said in a sassy tone.

" and you know what ? that wouldn't help you with your baby.. would it ? huh ? " she smirked.

I gulped and my eyes widened. HOW DID SHE KNOW?

" yea. I know about your child alright. And I plan doing something with it. " she said as she was staring deeply into my eyes.


" anything ? " she smirked.


" okay, okay. I want you stay away from bts. And when I say stay away, I mean leaving the country, and living somewhere far far away from here " she said as she was circling me.

" how will I do that...? I can't just my family! nor my friends! IM AN IDOL FOR GOD SAKE! " I yelled.

" oh. I thought you would anything to save your child. " she said as she was walking away.

" NO! y/n think! this is for your baby's sake " I thought.

" WAIT " I said.

she stopped walking and turned around.

" made your decision ? " she asked.

" yes. If I have to leave the country and my life here for my baby's sake , I will do it." I said.

" good. your lucky your alive right now. anyways , you will be leaving the country tomorrow so, a doctor will be here in a couple hours to fix your wounds. " irene said, walking out the door.

well, I guess I'm going to start a new life without taehyung.

taehyung's pov

all I felt was sadness and empty.

we were all in the car , driving home. jin said it is best for us to go home and get some rest. we had a plan set on how we were going to save y/n. the car was filled with only silence.

" we're home " jin said with an sad tone.

we all walked out and into house without saying any word. all of us were too caught up into the moment and was worried for the sake of y/n and my child.

as I entered my room , I got onto my bed and fell into deep sleep because of how much I've got through today.

the next day... ( your p.o.v )

yesterday , the doctor came and was able to heal my wound.

it's the next day , which is the day , I leave everything behind.

irene told me the plan about me not being able to return to korea after a couple of years. And how I cannot communicate with anyone in Korea once I leave.

" are you ready " I heard a voice behind me.

that voice belonged to taeyong.

I smiled sadly at him and nodded.

" um.. I just wanted to apologize to how I acted towards you on that day. I know I might not receive your forgiveness right away but, I hope to have it soon " he said sincerely.

" thank you for the apology. i'm sorry but , i don't think i'm ready to forgive you " I said.

" that's fine. but, I think we should head to the car now. irene is probably waiting for us in car. " he said.

after our conversation , we headed out to the car and off to the airport.

at the airport

" irene , I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to let me and my baby live. I hope you will be able to find what makes you happy when, I'm gone. " I smiled at her.

she looked at me. and did something that would have never expected from her.

irene ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

" i'm sorry. sorry for everything i've done. but , i need to do this. there's something I need and want. "

" you want taehyung. I know what you want. " I said sadly.

" and I'm willing to give him to you. if you love him that much, please take care of him for me. " tears were welling up in my eyes.

I felt irene smile and hug me tighter.

" of course. I promise to take care of him and love him with all my heart. do you want me to tell him about you and the baby ? " she asked.

" no. tell him that i'm no longer living and the pregnancy was all a lie. " tears were flowing down my cheeks like a river.

" alright. you should get going or you'll be late for your plane " she pulled away from the hug.

I gathered my self up and wiped my tears away.

I took my belongings and said my goodbyes.

I'll be starting a new life.


New beginning.

Who Are You ? [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora