The Beginning

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Once, in the valley of the shadows of LA, there was a punk rocker called Goldilocks. With Joan Jett hair, ripped jeans and multiple piercings, she was quite the opposite of what her name suggested. She came from a wealthy, yuppie family, where as a child, with her once golden curls, she was entered into beauty pageants. Goldilocks was miserable, as a show pony. But then punk rock came. She began cutting her clothes and dying her hair. Then, without so much as a "seeya later suckers!" she up & left to live the punk rock lifestyle, as an "Up Yours!" to her parents. Then came the trouble that every runaway teenage rebel experienced: no money, no stability. She roamed the streets at night & slept in what was once gonna be a townhouse, but now consisted of an abandoned construction project with cardboard for windows and a bare dusty floor. Some nights made her cry, made her doubt her decision to move. But in her heart, Goldilocks knew she would be a show pony no more. She would be a punk rocker.

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