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i was turning 13 when i received my first safety pin,
they say it's an unlucky number. maybe i didn't believe that, at least not until i knew the truth.

this small safety pin sat on my bedside table,
begging to be touched, it had a small "H" engraved on the top.

"caroline, please come down here" my mother screamed from the living room of our flat.

leaving the safety pin alone, i walked to my mother's scared gaze.

"darling, addison from church, she's dead" she gasped a little, trying to remain calm.

"what, what happened?" my eyes started to water.

addison was a frail 13 year old girl who was in my sunday school class. she never talked much, and when she did it was about flowers. she knew every type of flower that littered the ground of our small town. until today, our small safe town.

we weren't friends, she was just some girl i knew. but in someway i could feel the pain of a lost friend. it doesn't matter now.

i stored the safety pin in my pocket everywhere i went. it was like some sort of reminder to be safe, i felt like whoever H was watched over me.

my mother made me attend the funeral, it had been the first funeral i had been to since the passing of my older brother.

the next year was uneventful. i went to school, got good marks, went home, and wrote.

i wrote pages and pages of poetry for love i never felt and people i've never met.

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