The Dog

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One day I was siting on my porch and felt something on my leg I looked down and I saw a puppy. She was not that little. I took her inside and gave her some puppy food. I named her Maya she looked like a Pitbull and a German Shepherd she looked like she was 6 weekes old. I looked the clock and saw it was 9pm so I grabed Maya and put her in my old dogs bed. My ather dog died 6 months ago. Then I got in bed and fell asleep. I lived by my self and my house was a little scary but it did not bother me. I woke up and felt something laying by me and I saw Maya some how she got on my bed. I gave her food and I ate breakfast. I text my friend

Me: Can you wach my new dog today

Rose: Sure

Me:Think you so much

I went to work. After 7 hours of work I went home and saw Rose on the couch asleep and Maya was with her atsleep to. I started laughing I accidentally woke up Maya. She got up and run up to me licking me. I put my stuff down and sat on the couch and wached tv and Maya was laying in my lap asleep. She started snoring so I lad her on my bed. I went back in the liveing room and Rose was awake. I asked her was Maya good she sed "she was great". I gave her 20$. She aksed me if she could stay the night. I sed sure. She thinked me and went to the gest room and went to sleep becoues it was 9 pm I went to sleep to. I asked her to wach Maya the next morning then I went to work.

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