Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning around 12, still wrapped in Stevens arms. I was still very tired but I knew that he was awake because I felt him playing with my hair.

I turned around to face him.

He looked so cute when he is tired.

"Good morning my gorgeous girlfriend." he said smiling.

"Good morning my amazingly adorable boyfriend." I say smiling back.

"You no u have been awake for 2 minutes and I still haven't gotten a kiss." he said chuckling.

"Aw I'm sorry." I say as I put my lips close to his.

"Stop teasing and just kiss me already." he says trying to kiss me.

"But I like teasing you it's fun." I say laughing.

"Please kiss me." he says pouting.

"Fine." I say as I kiss his lips.

"Thank you." he says with a smile as he kisses me again.

"Would you guys please stop kissing it's gross!!" Josh says while laughing a little.

"We'll if you kissed her you would no why I can't stop." he says kissing me again.

"We'll I would appreciate it if you would stop making out in my bed." he said.

"Sorry." I said getting up and walking to get my bag.

"Babe where are you going?" Steven said jumping up and hugging me for behind so I couldn't move.

"Home... I need a shower." I say turning around and facing him.

"We'll I don't want you to leave." he said putting his forehead to mine.

"We'll I'll be back.....unless you guys want to come and meet my parents." I say smiling a little.

"Okay let's go!!" he said letting go of my waist and grabbing my hand.

"Okay we'll I got a text saying that they wouldn't be home till 9:00 at night so you guys can hang around while I get a shower." I say smiling.

"We'll you go ahead and go over I will be there in a sec." he said with a smile.

(A.N. I'm gonna put in more than just trina's p.o.v.)


I asked Trina to go ahead and head over because I want to ask the guys sonething.

"Guys can I go over to Trina's first.......alone.." I say looking at them.

"Oh I get it u want to be "alone" with her." Josh said putting quotations around "alone" and smirking.

"No I don't want to be "alone just alone... you no like I just want to spend time with her for a while." I say looking a little annoyed.

He should know that I'm not like that.

"Dude calm down it's totally fine go hang out with Trina." Ryan says with a smile.

"Thanks dude." I say with a smile.

"But we are coming over at 5 which gives you 5 hours with her so....go." Ryan says gesturing me towards the door.

I smiled at him and left quickly so I could get there quickly. I hope she isn't in the shower.....and that her parents like me.

I ran over to Trina's these thoughts running through my head. I knocked on her door so you no I could come in.

"Come in Steven." I heard her say.

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