"our daughter" she whispers

When asked what the baby's name was, she was gracious to share it with me but asked that I not disclose it in this article, proclaiming that she wanted to keep it to herself for a while

"her father, who you all know" she nervously giggled. "and I want to keep her name a secret for a while"

I went on to ask her how it feels to be a mother and how she and the father are adjusting,

"words--I can't even d-describe it. it's the most overwhelming feeling. to look at something that came from you and the one you love have made and to feel overwhelming fiercely protective of them is amazing. I wake up each morning to her since she still sleeps in our room and sometimes I just sit there and stare at her." she leans back in her seat, you can see the wheels turning in her head as she thinks and talks about her daughter

She goes onto to talk about her pregnancy. "it wasn't an ideal pregnancy, but her and I both made it through unscathed" she then adds something that shocks us "be prepared for a little surprise in part one" she says with a mischevious smile. when asked what she means, she lets out a tiny giggle. "Let's just say this" she starts out "you get to see my daughter when she is first born"

When I asked if she cared to elaborate, she went on to talk about how Renesmee's birth scene was actually her daughter being born. she expressed the emotions and fears that surrounded that night and offered me one piece of advice.

"if you ever have a baby, I have one word for you...........Drugs!" she laughed. elaborating, that if she had been given the choice, she would not have hesitated.

Her phone starts going off frantically, sporting a classic ringtone. Stewart apologizes profusely as she gets up to answer it, it was clear by the way Stewart's expression changed from happy and giggly to a more concerned look, that it most likely was about her daughter and as it turned out, I was right

"I'm so sorry about that" she apologizes once again, "our daughter has started teething," Stewart said returning to our interview. I ask her about the reports of her being in the hospital and watch as she sighs and confirms it, saying it was terrifying for her whole family to see her like that. as our interview comes to a close, my last question was about what her next project besides breaking dawn will be. she answers by shaking her head and lightly laughing

"nothing right now and probably not anytime soon! I'm focusing on the most important aspect of my life right now, family"

Finishing up the interview, she collected her bag before hugging Jaya goodbye. she headed straight to her mothers, Knocking on the door she could hear shuffling from the other side of the door.

"Hey, mom," Kristen said as her mother answered the door

"Hey sweetie"

"How was she?"

"She's fussy but I can tell she is teething." Kristen followed Jules into the house and into the living room where she spotted her daughter, laying in the playpen in the corner of the room fussing.

"Hi, lovebug," Kristen said as she picked Eliana up. "Are you ok honey? hmm?" she asked as Eliana frantically turned her head with her fist in her mouth.

"Our flight leaves in a couple hours," Kristen said directing that to her mother.

"I'll run to the pharmacy and get a couple of teething rings for her Kristen. we can freeze one, oh and she wouldn't take a nap today"

"Thank you and it's alright, maybe she will sleep for some of the flight."

Jules left for the pharmacy which left Kristen and Eliana alone. she laid down on the couch, watching as Eliana laid on her chest, clutching her shirt in her hand and bringing it to her mouth. "were going to make this better sweetheart, I promise. hey, guess what? we are going to see daddy. you will see him in the morning"

Her mother returned a little while later. "Alright, so I got a strawberry teether, another teether that vibrates, some clips so they can stay attached to her and also some baby Orajel."

"Thank you, mom," Kristen said as she reached out for the bag. slowly she sat up and laid Eliana who had fallen asleep in front of her.

"Ok, Eliana, I know you're not going to like me in a minute." she opened the package of Orajel and placed some on her finger. running it over Eliana's gums as fast as she could while Eliana cried and screamed trying to squirm away.

"I know hun, we are done." she picked Eliana up cradling her against her chest, taking in the scent of her daughter, rubbing soothing circles onto her back. Jules stood there watching them both and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. she absolutely loved watching her baby girl with her baby girl, she loved watching Kristen in mommy mode.

All too soon it was time for Kristen and Eliana to head to the airport. Eliana was chewing on the vibrating teething toy she had as Kristen got up from the couch. she handed the baby over to her mother before she went and packed the diaper bag back up, slinging it over her shoulder.

"Have a safe flight you guys," her mom said. "I love you guys and give Robert my love"

"I will mom. we love you too. thanks for watching the dogs for us." Kristen said as she took Eliana from her mom

"No problem. bye."

Kristen got Eliana loaded up in the car and made the drive to the airport


Kristen walked down the Isle of the first class to her seat, sitting down she got Eliana situated on her lap before pulling her phone out of her pocket. going onto youtube, she pulled up a random baby show let Eliana watch it, watching as she slowly fell asleep. Kristen knew she had a long flight ahead of her and she knew it would be stressful, but she needed to be there for Robert during this time and that made it worth it.

What I never knew I always wanted (Robsten story) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now