Chapter Fifteen: Catching The Kiss

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SO HAPPY IM BACK IN THE GROOVE. Thanks to all my loyal fans, and Rocky0ali for not stopping!!! I love you all!!! I hope you keep reading and vote comment fan!! I would adore to see how all of you are liking the story so far and I would new han love to get to know my fellow Wattpaders and Snape lovers/writers :D


I collapsed onto my bed, the sheets offering a comfort that nothing else could offer me right now. I just needed to relax. My last class of the day had just ended, and I needed a break. All day students have been asking me why I moved to Divination, where the old professor went, who the new professor was, why was he so mean...

I gave simple answers to all. But the truth was, I needs his touch again soon. That's part of why I was so exhausted. It wasn't just physically, but emotionally, too. And most of all, I yearned for his kiss. His touch was something I knew would suffice for a while, but I couldn't take it for long. I had already experienced his kiss before, and once you've had the taste, it never really washed away. I would always know what I was missing.

I knew then what I needed to do. I had to storm over to his classroom, somewhere I knew he would be, and face him. Maybe I could show him the pensive, our memories together. Sure, the chances of him actually believing my memories are legitimate and not faux were extremely slim, closer to not, but I could try, right? If I could even get him to take a look... Which was even slimmer a chance.

I was on a mission, determined to get to him fast. Maybe of I just kissed him, he would remember... You can't forget a kiss like ours, even when you don't remember the person who gave it to you. I made a slight half second pause attire door, raising my hand to knock loudly when Inheard a peculiar noise coming from the inside of the room. A sickening pang stabbed at my chest. My hand was still raised up, inches from the wooden door, but now I wasn't so sure if I should go inside. I didn't know if I could handle what was in store for me.

I closed my eyes and took a soothing breath, telling myself that I could be strong. I could do this. 'Do it for Nox'. I told myself. 'Do it for the /real/ Severus. And for you'. And with that, I moved my hand to the knob and swing the door open, stepping inside and closing it within a time frame of two seconds flat.

My stomach dropped as I laid my eyes on the sight. Lilith and Severus were the only two in the room, and the two of them were in the felt of the room, next to his desk. She was leaning against the back of the desk, her arms wrapped around his neck affectionately, and he had one hand resting on her hip. Their foreheads were just touching as I burst inside. Someone whimpered. I realized it was me.

The two flew apart, Severus stumbling, blinking a few times as if coming out of an enchantment. He was still dazed an confused for a few seconds, giving Lilith enough time to point her finger at me, blushing furiously from her neck to her cheeks. "Y-you...! Professor, what is the matter with you?" She stammered, face inflamed and hair disheveled. From behind her, Severus came back Ito his right mind and out of whatever he was under, shoving the seventh year girl to the side. She made an awkward sound that resembled air suddenly escaping the lungs and a squeak, hitting the desk, hands barely stopping her from falling to the ground.

Severus then stormed over, straight at me. He stopped a mere inch away, our noses nearly touching. His glare lingered on me a silent moment before he spoke. "Why is it that this always seems to happen around you?" He snapped. I blinked a moment, not sure how's at to say back to that. "I..." I began. Suddenly, I got an idea. I narrowed my eyes slightly at him, leaning forward and poking him in the chest with my index finger. "You had better tart talking to me correctly, Severus. My full name is in order here." I shot back.

He opened his mouth to hiss something cunning back, but paused, suddenly confused. I crossed my arms. "You can't even remember my name, can you?" It Hirt me inside, though there was no way I would let my guard down and allow it to show now. Especially not with little Lilith in the background, staring at our skirmish with curiosity and envy in her hazel eyes. I shook my head at him. "Think, Severus. Think /really/ hard. You know it- you jut can't put a face with a name."

He stood there for a moment, still obviously confused, before growling. "I don't need to know your name, nor do I care to. All I need is to know what your doing." I hissed. So close, I sighed inwardly. "I'm not doing /anything/!" I exclaimed, aggravated, throwing my hands in the air. "I told you before, it's your memories! Their gone, but their fruit to come back... To give us a second chance." By the time I said my last sentence, I had moved even closer to him, my voice quiet and desperate. The tension and heat between us had ignited up now, and I could feel those stirring feelings again.

Everything was quiet. Even Lilith in the back, her jaw ajar as she could do nothing but stare at the man she was so wrongly accumulating feelings for be so close and personal to another woman; a woman older and more mature, who had a previous relationship with him. Severus's shallow breath was hot against my face, and his rich cologne wafted to me, a scent I never forgot and treasured so dearly. Deep, filled with all sorts of spices, and a hint of cranberries. That, along with old parchment like a library and various other potions, a slight greasy undertone.

It was... Intoxicating. To say the least.

"Severus... Please..." I pleaded, hoping that maybe that old him would come back out and remember me then. His eyes were fixated on mine. Usually they resembled dark tunnels, but now, I could almost see a light at the end of them. Maybe we could make it. Every day he seemed to be inching closer and closer to me, back into my loving arms. One day, maybe he'll be completely back.

He reached up his hand, fingers tracing my jawline, leaving a tingling feeling in their wake. Hope sparkled in my eyes as I watched his dark ones contently. "Severus..." I repeated. His fingers moved to my lips, and so did his eyes.

Ever so slowly, his face moved closer to mine, until I could practically feel his lips against mine. My eye fluttered closed, and his hand brushed into my hair, fingers slowly running through the locks, cradling while at the same time, steadying my face. And then, he closed the distance, and his lips brushed against mine.

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