My Story

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I could hear her voice,
Calling my middle name.
I never told anyone what it was,
Only her knew.
Her voice, so tender,  so soft.
Every night I'll hear her call me
Then I'll slowly fall asleep thanks to fear.
It never stopped,
She kept calling me.
In the play ground, in the cafe.
In the library, during my test.
She knew my every move.
I would put on my head phones,
But her tender voice would still be louder.
I told no one about this
Cause no one would believe me.
I grew up with only one voice in my head,
And u could have sworn a billion times it was mum.
But how could it be,
She died when I was five.
But here I am
A 27 year old man.
Telling my story to my girlfriend
Who stoop by my grave.

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