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I sat there. Her lifeless body connected to all kinds of gadgets in the hospital room. If I hadn't of gone to that flippin party everything would have been fine. My mum wouldn't be in this condition right now.
"I'm so sorry Alyssa but your mother isn't going to come around" said the nurse that walked in.
"You can't just let her die! I won't let you" I said.
"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave now" she said as she held my arm.
"No!" I yelled "please no" I was In tears by now. My Aunt Hilary came and took me out of the room. I sat in the waiting room sobbing into her jacket.
"Shhh. You can get through this Alyssa" she said.

2 days later
"Alyssa I'm leaving tomorrow. I can either sign the papers and you can come with me to live in Pickering or you can stay here with your father" said my aunt.
"Can't you come and live in England" I asked.
"I'm afraid not. Now do you want to live with me or stay here" she asked.
"With you" I said "I will start packing" I went up to my room and started packing. I held the photo frame of me and my mum. She looked so happy. Just thinking that this time last week she was here with me and now here I am packing my things to go and live in another country. It's going to be hard. Very hard.

Skip to when they arrive in Canada.
We arrived in the airport and we waited for our luggage. Once we had everything we went over to get a taxi to Aunt Hilary's house.
"You ready for your new life" she asked.
I nodded. What if I didn't make any friends? What if I didn't get along well with Kim? All different thoughts were running through my head. Then I thought about that night again and started to cry. Aunt Hilary pulled me in for a hug.
"Don't worry Aly it will be fine" she cooed "Kim can't wait to meet you either"
I wiped my tears and went into the taxi.

Once we arrived at Hilary's house I heard music blaring from somewhere. I gave Hilary a weird look.
"Next door" she said and I rolled my eyes. Yay music blaring just what I want to hear! (Note the sarcasm).
"So Alyssa there is one thing I will tell you" said Hilary and the looked into my eyes.
"Stay away from the guy next door"

The guy next door{Shawn Mendes}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora