Old Faces

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The opening ends to Team FLME sitting in the stands with Team VILE right beside them. Team WIOW lined themselves up to face their opponents, an all male team from Atlas, SSMR. The biomes are selected as forrest on SSMR and mountain on WIOW.

Ember: (Chanting) Let's go WIOW! Let's go!

Fred surveys SSMR and spots a contender wearing black body armor.

Fred: Hey Ember, does that guy look failure?

Ember: Kinda of. Who is it?

Fred: Don't know. Can't put my tongue on it.


The scene flashes to a blue background with white particles gathering into the united tournament symbol of the four kingdoms as it revolves to the left of Oobleck, back in the announcer's box.

Oobleck: That was quit the spectacle performed by one of Beacon's top first year teams, and I am certain Mistral fans were cheering them on as two of their members are from the kingdom itself, Frederic Scorch and Ember Ignis.

Port: Well, Mistral fans gear up as this next match is with Mistral every own, Team WIOW. (Cuts to WIOW waving to the crowd.) These lovely ladies, and crowd favorites, will be up against Atlas' Team SSMR. (Cut to team SSMR preparing for a fight.)

Stonewall: (To Widow) Ma'am, it is a pleasure.

Widow: Same to you.

Stonewall: I bid thee, best of luck.

Ireland: And to you as well, Blondie.

Stonewall: (Whispering to his team) Prepare to fire.

Ireland jerks up and seems to hear the discussion. She turns to her team and nods.

Ireland: Their going for an ariel, get ready to move!

Oobleck: 3,2,1 BEGIN!

Stonewall, and his teammates, Solomon and Regen opened fire but the girls have already moved. The boys landed and spread out, choosing their targets. Regen and his teammates, Magnus opened fire at Willow whom quickly evade their attacks while Olive struck at Regen, knocking him off Willow. Solomon leapt into the air and brought his hammer down on Ireland who blocked. Ireland went for a whack on Solomon's leg with her bo staff but was blocked and kicked in the stomach.

Widow slid along the grass in front of a mountain and looked directly at Ian Stonewall, SSMR's leader.

Widow: Solider.

Stonewall: Leader.

The two Stonewall was the first to swing but was blocked by Widow's daggers. She then took the offensive and used a series of kicks to push Stonewall back, however, none actually landed. Stonewall then flipped over Widow and brought his sword down to her.

Solomon blocks Ireland's lunge with his hammer. Ireland flips over Solomon who responds by spinning his his hammer to hit her again. Solomon and Ireland enter in a stand still with one another. Suddenly, Solomon leaned his hammer, shifting its weight to one side and leapt and kicked Ireland in the face and grabbed her Faunus ear and pulled with all his might, making Ireland scream in pain as she is thrown across the arena.

Up in the stands, May watched as Ireland had her ear pulled and cried out in pain. She turned away and her eyes shut as she leaned onto Ember. All three of her teammates noticed. Ember got up and began to direct May out of the arena.

Ember: Sorry guys, love to stay. But Kitten and I have some...gifts to by for...our friends...right now. Yeah.

Before he could leave, Fred grabs Ember's arm.

Team FLME Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now