Travel Guide

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Bon Voyage! is a travel themed collection of one-shots, revolving around the JuminxJaehee pair! Every chapter takes place in a different place, so it will be like traveling around the world along with the Korean duo!

⚓ Their relationship are portrayed differently in every chapter, but I will try to keep the consistency unless I wanted something really sweet!

⚓ Since there are many places that I never went to before, I don't know a lot about the culture of certain country >_< Please forgive if I get something wrong!

⚓ Most often the storyline wouldn't be quite related to the place the two of them are visiting because sometimes I tend drift off from the main point and....h-haha...;;

⚓ The title of the chapter is where the story takes place unless stated otherwise!

⚓ If there is a chapter where it is not related to the theme (drabbles or ideas), I would title it as 'Transit Flight'.
It feels like as if we are getting a break meanwhile waiting for our next flight!

⚓ I won't know how often I would update it because I always get out of idea often ;;; (so if you have any, tell me ///)

If you are ready, then grab your passport and let's GO!

Bon Voyage! (Jumin x Jaehee)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora