Chapter 1✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺 Fight Scenes/➖Short Chapter

{Marvel Studios}


Odin's voice-over, "Long before the birth of light, there was darkness. And from that darkness, came the Dark Elves. Millenia ago, most ruthless of their kind, Malekith,-" Malekith slowly walks in the light, looking up at the sky to see 3 different coloured portals; 1 red, 2 blue and 3 green, "-sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night." Malekith walks away, "Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether;-" A dark red-force floating in the air like water, screeching, "-an ancient force of infinite destruction."

The Dark Elf named Algrim standing at an edge of a cliff, looks back, calls out in Elvish, "Malekith." Malekith walks towards him, "Asgard's forces are upon us." They look down at the field below to see the Dark Elves fighting. Algrim and Malekith look up to see a bright light.


The bright light speeds towards the Dark Elves planet, like a portal.

Dark Eleves Planet: Battle Field

The Dark Elves firing their weapons when suddenly, the bright rainbow light lands in the middle of the field, pushing many Elves back, then Asgardian warriors run out the bright rainbow light called the Bifrost and starts fighting the dark elves.

Odin's voice-over, "The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures." Many more Asgardian warriors march out of the Bifrost, King Bor shooting at the Dark Elves with his spear named 'Gungnir'.

Malekith demands to Algrim in Elvish, "Send in the Kursed!" Algrim looks at him before leaving to heed his command.

A tall, brave Dark Elf looks down at the gem that looks like molten lava in his hand, he crushes it in his palm. His whole body starts to shake as molten heat radiates up his arm and throughout his body, dark smoke surrounds him as he roars in pain, His armour clothing have become fused to his body like a skin, also gotten taller; he has transformed into Kurse.

The Dark Kursed Elf then runs and jumps down to the battle field and starts punching and crushing the Asgardian warriors with more strength then the other Elves.

Odin's voice over, "As the Nine Worlds converged above him,-" Malekith looks up to see the red, blue and green portal move closer together, "-Malekith could at last unleash the Aether." Malekith turns and walks towards where the Aether is kept, in a large stone, the large stone splits into two, the one on top floats up revealing the Aether.

Malekith raises his hand toward the Aether, as he's about to touch and harness the Aether energy force, the Bifrost bridge lands down on top of the Aether Stones, making Algrim and Malekith fly back. Malekith takes out his sword as three Asgardian warriors charge towards him.

Malekith throws a dagger at Asgardian warrior 1 in the chest, making warrior 1 fall forward, Malekith quickly stands and takes out his dagger from warrior 1's chest before he fell completely, dead.

Malekith ducks his head from Asgardian warrior 2's swing, and Malekith stabs him in the chest with two daggers, he rips out his daggers and warrior 2 falls dead.

Malekith moves his head to the right as warrior 3 goes to stab him in the head, then Malekith ducks his head, dodging warrior 3 swing. Malekith spins and trips warrior 3 in the thigh with his dagger, making warrior 3 fall on his back.

Malekith then kneels down and stabs warrior 3 in the chest as he yells out in anger, "Ahh!" He looks up at the Bifrost rainbow bridge still there and he stands up, runs towards it but disappears along with the Aether stone before Malekith could touch it, leaving marking on the ground. Malekith looks up angry.

Odin's voice over, "But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp. Without it, the Dark Elves fell." The Dark Kursed Elf gets stabbed by three Asgardian warriors with lightning spears, the Dark Elf pushes forward before another Asgardian warrior jumps up, grabs and stabs the Dark Elf's head, one by one the Dark Elves fell dead. Malekith turns towards the battlefield and the Harrow Ships start to lose power and fall, "With the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people, in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's Army."

Malekith speaking to Algrim in the Elven language, he turns to him, "Their deaths will mean our survival." He turns and walks towards the Harrow ship that's raising, "This war is far from over." Algrim takes one last look at the field before following Malekith, behind them all the Harrow ship explodes.

The Harrow ship then forms into reflecting mirrors, which then camouflages in the sky as it flies away, Malekith leaves his army to their fate. The red, blue and green portals in the sky, separate.

Odin's voice-over, "Malekith was vanquished and the Aether was no more. Or so we were led to believe."

King Bor staring down at the armour of the Dark Elves as they were incinerated. A soldier walks up to the King, "Sire, the Aether. Shall we destroy it?"

King Bor answers, "If only we could." He turns to the soldier, "But it's power is too great. Bury it deep. Somewhere no one will ever find it."

Unknown Location

The Aether stone stands on a bridge deep in a cave.

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