New Home

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I open my eyes to a beautifully lit room, the warm tones of early California sunbeams make the light blue walls brighten along with the beautiful furniture in many shades of blues and yellow. I sit up in my bed, looking around my beautiful new room. Braillee is lying on a blow up mattress on her phone.

"Good morning Aves. How you feeling?" she moves to my bed, sitting on the corner of the royal blue comforter.

"Small headache, nothing major. I can handle it with minimum discomfort." I lift my cold hand, resting it against my dully aching forehead.

"So, in a week,  you're starting school again?" Brailee asks, looking slightly stressed.

"Yeah, I'll be the new girl who just so happens to have cancer. Grace says I'm well enough, if I'm up to it. Of course, the second some sickness starts going around,  I'm out until it's over. I hope they're nicer than the old school, the dress code there is looser. Hats are allowed for absolutely anybody." I explain the situation to Braillee,  massaging my temples to keep the headache from worsening. I scoot off the bed,  Brailee catching me and helping me stand.

"Crutches?" she asks and I nod, trying to keep my head from spinning too much. When the world levels out I mumble my thanks, strapping the crutches to my wrists. I make my way from the large room to the kitchen. I take a seat at the breakfast nook table, letting my head rest on the cool table. Mom places a stack of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me and one in front of Braillee who sits next to me. I eat my pancakes slowly, not saying a single word.

"Avia? Are you feeling okay honey?" Mom asks, placing my pills next to a glass of milk.

"Not a bad day,  but not a good one, head hurts, little dizzy. " I mumble, taking the pills from her. I down them with the milk and finish my pancakes.

"Avia baby, Desiree is coming by later today. Why don't you just go back to bed and rest til she gets here? You don't have to sleep, just don't overexert yourself, kay?" I nod lazily, getting to my feet, with the crutches. Braillee goes to hang out with Emmi while I make my way to my room.

I sigh in annoyance, switching to my wheelchair. I use the joystick to roll around my room aimlessly. I stop when I run into a box for the third time. Bending over, I grab the cardboard box, pulling it into my lap.

Upon opening it, I see my large makeup collection. I roll to the large vanity in my room, pushing the thought of my headache out of mind. I turn on the lights on it and squint and blink until my eyes adjust. I begin to organize my makeup and set it out for display. I close my eyes for a moment to stop them from burning, accidentally falling asleep.

"Avia, wake up. Desiree will be here in an hour. You have to get ready. " Gavin's voice drifts into my sleep, waking me.

"what time is it?" I ask groggily.

"11:00, are you alright?" Gavin's hand lays on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just not a good day. " I respond. "Help me get ready?"

"Sure, what do I need to do?" he asks, kneeling in front of my chair.

"Can you grab the yellow flowy tank top from my closet and the blue Nike leggings?" he pulls out the outfit, placing it on my bed.


"Umm,  grab my pastel yellow Converse high tops." he places them on my bed along with my socks.  "Now,  help me to my bed, I can get dressed myself."

He grabs my crutches and helps me walk to the bed, leaving to wait outside for me to dress. I change quickly,  hobbling to my vanity.

"Come in," I shout to the door "natural or color?" I ask, putting on powder and blush.

"Color," I stop with the makeup to look at the owner of the new voice. "it brings out your eyes." Desiree Castellano stands in the doorway of my room. A smile breaks out on my face and tears begin to form. I wipe away the tears,  welcoming her with a hug. "Avia, Talia would have loved you. "

"She's my hero,  she makes me stronger." I cry into Desiree's shirt.

"I know she's proud of you. If she was here I know she'd want you to have this." Desiree places something in my hand. I  look down at it and smile.  A small Dory pin lays against my palm.

"Thank you,"  I whisper, pulling out of the hug, I wipe my face, beginning to reapply makeup with Desiree's help.

The Stronger Battle {Sequel to Cancer?} Where stories live. Discover now