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"Choked and suffocated, it's how she felt."
Now, I'll tell you a story of how precious love was being wasted. Once, there was a girl that fell in love with someone, someone with a good attitude. The girl didn't care about how the boy looked, she aimed for the attitude and personality of the boy. The boy and girl fell for each other and developed the same feelings which lead them to be in the state of mutual understanding. There was sweet moments between the boy and girl and their state of mutual understanding ended, leading them to last half a month because the girl wanted to be friends and she chose her education over love. During the summer, the girl was talking to her friend on Facebook until the boy popped out of nowhere and suddenly started a conversation while the girl is talking to her friend. The conversation between the boy and girl started off as just a normal conversation until the boy popped a question out of nowhere and questioned the girl about her feelings. The girl was being straightfoward and honest with her feelings towards the boy, she really wanted to be friends, she was being careful and gentle with the words that she chose, she was patient enough to expect that the boy would be natural with what she wanted until the boy didn't accept what the girl's decision was and he didn't respect her decision. The boy was impatient and stubborn to face reality because he expected the girl to answer him when she said no in a nice and gentle manner, leading the boy to become really stubborn. He took the girl's decision the hard way and said something that really hurt the girl. The boy told the girl that he'll leave her life just because she wanted to be friends and it really hurt the girl, leading her to lose her patience and releasing the feelings of anger and impatience. The girl felt sad, she was sad because she didn't expect that the boy would take her decision the hard way. She was hurt. She was hurt by his words. Throughout the summer, she realized that she wasted her precious time loving the wrong person. She did not know his real attitude until she saw that he has another side of him. The boy was too possessive and jealous when the girl talks to another boy and he made the girl feel choked and limited from talking to other people, causing the girl to become impatient and her patience went to the lowest level after many many tries of wanting to be patient. The girl felt choked, she felt suffocated, knowing that the boy would be possessive. Deep inside of the girl, she really felt like a prisoner chained to a chair. The feelings of the girl for the boy faded away because the boy made her feel pushed away and he showed signs of what a clingy person is. She really loved the wrong person because she knew that there was another side of him. She felt accused because the boy kept on accusing her of "hurting" his feelings when she was the one getting her feelings hurt. She was blinded by his sweet words, she forgot her bounds and limits. She knew that there was bounds and limits but the boy didn't because he was blinded by his love and loyalty to the girl. The girl realized to herself that the boy wasn't someone that she would love, considering that the boy wasn't being considerate and respectful towards her feelings. She knew how the boy felt because she had the case of friendzoning before. The boy has no choice but to face the reality of life. The girl moved on from the boy she "loved" and is trying to forget about him and erase the memories she had of him. She wants to cry out all of the tears that she held in and she's already given up because her precious love was wasted, leading her to have many regrets of her life. She still cares for the boy but she's not on speaking terms with him. Inside of the girl, she's hurt after what the boy said but on the outside, she isn't hurt and her own self tells the outside "Bahala siya, he's not worth your worth and tears." End of story.

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