Chapter 1✔️

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{Marvel Studios}

Dawn: Washington, D.C.

A man named—Sam Wilson is jogging around Washington, D.C. for a morning run around a large pond.

Suddenly, the silence is interrupted by fast footsteps and Steve Rogers aka Captain America quickly catches up and runs past him as Steve tells Sam, "On your left." Sam doesn't respond, thinking he won't see him again.

Minutes Later

Sam continues to jog, now running on one side of the pond, Steve comes around again, telling him as he passes Sam, "On your left."

Sam acknowledges, "Uh-huh. On my left. Got it."

Morning: Minutes Later

Sam is still jogging, now on the other side of the pond. Steve comes around again from behind him, Sam hearing Steve's footsteps come closer, he exclaims, "Don't say it! Don't you say it!"

Steve passes Sam, telling him, "On your left!"

Sam exclaims frustratedly, "Come on!" Sam gets angry and tries to catch up to Steve, turning the corner of the large pond to find Steve already at the half-way mark. Sam panting, "Oh!" He then groans in pain, feeling his muscles that are really sore now and after a few seconds he's unable to carry on, he stops to rest.

Park: Few Minutes Later ⌨️

Sam's sitting against a tree, resting and trying to catch his breath as he holds his ribs in pain. Steve's voice asks him, "Need a medic?" Sam turns his head to the left and sees Steve walking over to him without a sweat on his body.

Sam laughs, "I need a new set of lungs." Steve stops beside him with an amused look and smile on his face, placing his hands on his hips, "Dude, you just ran, like, 13 miles in 30 minutes."

Steve tells Sam, "I guess I got a late start."

Sam chuckles and says with a playful seriousness, "Oh, really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." He looks away for a moment before looking back at Steve, saying sarcastically, "Did you just take it? I assumed you just took it."

Steve points at Sam's sweater, "What unit you with?"

Sam answers without hesitation, "58th Pararescue. But now I'm working down at the VA." Steve nods, Sam holds his hand up at Steve, introducing himself, "Sam Wilson."

Steve grabs Sam's outstretched hand and pulls him up, "Steve Rogers."

Sam groans as he stands to his feet, admitting, "I kind of put that together." He's still out of breath, panting and after a second, he stands straight, putting his hands on his hips, "Must have freaked you out, coming home after the whole defrosting thing."

Steve sighs, subject is still weary for him but tells Sam honestly, "It takes some getting used to." Sam nods in understanding, "It's good to meet you, Sam." Steve turns to leave.

Sam stops Steve as he asks knowingly, "It's your bed, right?"

Steve turns to Sam as he stops walking, "What's that?"

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