How to summon- Ben Drowned.

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Again, there is two ways to do this one.

Regular summoning
Get a Majora's Mask cartridge. Peel the sticker off. Write 'Majora' on it. Dip it in water. Next, get a lighter and hold it under the cartridge. DO NOT SET THE CARTRIDGE ON FIRE. Then, smash the cartridge with a rock. You should hear a giggle and someone behind you say: you shouldn't have done that, or you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
A/n- it's not my fault if you wasted your Majora's Mask cartridge and it didn't work.

Cleverbot method-
Go on Cleverbot while playing the song of unhealing. Type things into cleverbot like:
-BEN Drowned
-Ben, how did you drown? -Majora's Mask
-The counter resets
- moon children
- clock Town
- Haunted Majora's Mask
- song of unhealing
- just talk about anything Zelda related

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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