Chapter 4: Questions and No Answers

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   Moose pursed his lips, his eyes telling me he was in deep thought, "Have you been over-thinking again?" He knew me all too well. I have done this many times before, my brain just looses all control. It's so weird because I don't even know why I do it...

   "I guess so," I reply, toying with my thumbs.

   "About...? Wanna give me a direct answer here, Kimber?" Moose pushes on the conversation. I really didn't feel like explaining it to him, not knowing how he would take it as me being crazy or what.

   "Well... Um, Draco Malfoy caught me dancing by the lake and we didn't get off to a good start. But the thing is, Moose, I have seen him before. I just know it. I have this feeling like I know him from somewhere, but I don't remember and I just overloaded," I explained in the best way I could. Moose soaked it all in for a moment.

   "Where do you think you have seen him? Draco, I mean," he asks, his curiosity showing through.

   "I don't know... just somewhere. Maybe like in London or something? I just feel like I know him. Can there be an explanation for this?" I ask him, knowing he has more experience with the wizarding world than I do.

   Moose looks uncomfortable for a moment like he has just figured out something. "Um... Kimber, I have a hunch... I just hope I am wrong."

   "Wait, what? Moose, what are you talking-" Moose cuts me off by standing up from the chair, the look still on his face.

   "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow," And with that he walks from the bed, leaving me to wonder what his hunch is. From his facial expression, it seems bad....... VERY bad.

   I was out of the Hospital Wing in a matter of days, Madame Pomfrey making me promise her that I would come back every night to take the potion. I agreed, knowing that I would have to make up for all the days worth of missed classes, especially in Potions with Draco. Oh great, that's right, I have all of my classes with him and he is my partner... for the REST of the year. Madame Pomfrey gave me a pill that will reduce the over-thinking I am doing, and it will keep me calm and focused so I don't have another "attack" as Moose calls it.

   I was making my way down the hall to the library to catch up on all the work I missed. My boots echoed off of the stone floors, my Slytherin uniform as green as ever. I have always liked books, I read them all the time when I was a kid and I still do. My mom calls them my "crack" so to speak. Dad never liked that term, so he just calls it my addiction. Personally I don't see a difference in either phrase.

   "Roberts!" I spun around at the sound of my last name, almost to the library, my body jumping... I knew who that voice belonged to.

   "What do you want, Malfoy?" I spat, not in the mood to talk to him right now. He struts up to me, the classic smirk on his face.

   "We need to continue on our project for Potions. I was just about to come look for you. Do you have time to help me?" His voice sounded polite... for once. 

   "Uh, yeah. Sure. I was going to work on some Divination and DADA stuff, but I can do that later. Did you want to work on it in the library or somewhere else?" I asked, hoping he would keep up this new behavior. His smirk only grew, and it was a smirk I knew very well. Wait, what am I saying? I have never seen him smirk that way before, so why do I know it like the back of my hand? Oh right, Moose has the hunch. He has an answer, and I WILL get it out of him later. Draco lightly tugs on my robe sleeve, pulling me towards the Astronomy Tower.

   "I can carry something if you want," He offers, motioning to my bag and armful of books and papers.  I have to admit, this stuff was pretty heavy... well, to me anyways.

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