Chapter 2 (The Power From Hell)

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(For imagery look at the picture at the top so then you know what the characters look like.Enjoy.)

I put the paper down on the dresser that was in the hallway to all of our rooms. I walk into my parents room searching for the book. I finally found it under his pillow. I hurry and unlock it. First pages had the history of the Titans. Then it went to a creature called Blood Eyes. It was about women being born with the power to become a master killer. If anything saw the eyes they knew that death was soon. Next was my mom describing what she looked like, black night hair, blue eyes, and so on. One thing that scared me was that she was a Blood Eyes. Meaning that her eyes and mine are from that power or jean. I flip to Dad's pages, talking about his hair and brown eyes. Instead of him being a Blood Eyes he was a Titan. A human that can turn into a Titan. Then I turn to my pages, black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, arounded head, big hips and chest (hour glass shape). I wasn't just one thing I was both Titan and Blood Eyes. Think about our jeans I realize my black hair, blue eyes, light skin, tall brother was a Titan like Dad. All of this was so much I had to stop and get ready to head for Wall Rose. I grab a piece of Mom's jewelry, a drawing of Bruno's the first time I thought him, and Dad's watch. I also take what ever food that was left in what was the kitchen. I stop at the front door to find my sketch book laying there. I pick it up and leave with one last glance at home.

- Time Skip To Wall Rose -

I finally made it. My birthday passed a couple of months ago. I walk around the town next to the Wall Rose's entrance. I don't see any faces from Wall Maria, and the people keep staring at me. I keep walking until a Military Police guy comes up to me and asks me where my parents are. I just tell him that they are at home and I was going for a walk. He doesn't look convinced, so out of worry I run away from him heading into a alley way turning corner after corner. I run right into a blond blue eyed boy. We both stair at each other, then the guy finds me and picks me up by my hair. I yell out in pain, but the boy stops him saying "Let go of my sister. I have been looking for ever since she ran from home to get something from the market." The guy drops my hair making my fall to my knees. We wait till he leaves before talking to each other.

"Thank you for saving me back there.", I thank him with a weak smile.

"It like you were in some hurry, why?", he asked me.

"Well I told him I was just going for a walk when really I had just entered the Wall coming from Wall Maria."

"Oh really I was from Wall Maria too. Why did you get on the boat?"

"Well we didn't know there was a boat and my family was being attacked by Titans and now I'm the only one left."

"I'm sorry,but I'm Armin Arlert and you should come with me to meet my friends."

"OK.", I say with a smile happy to know his name and that I'm not the only Maria person here.

He helps me up and we walk to were his friends are. On the way he explains to me what happened while Titans were attacking everyone.

"So there is a Armored Titan and a Colossus Titan."

"Yes, you probably were still in your house when it kicked the Wall."

I never recall seeing the Colossus when Dad sad that we needed to leave. I never remembering the Armored either. I think about that day all I saw was Titans and the huge holes in both entrances. Why didn't I see any of that? It just all happened in seconds.

"Here we are.", Armin says running to two kids standing in what looks like a food storage.

Armin talks to them and points to me. I look at them a boy with brown short hair that sticks to his head and green emerald eyes. The other kid was a girl with black short hair and dark eyes that almost look black also she had a red scarf around her neck. They look at me starting to walk up to me. I meet them half way.

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