Chapter 6 ~ all that matters

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"Hello?" I asked

"Where the hell are you major! Your suppose to be helping me pick out a dress for my birthday party!" Diana bitched on the phone

"Look I got bigger priorities Diana" I say

"Like what? you haven't been around that often and it's starting to piss me off, do you know how bad in starting to look!?" she asked

"What's happening to us?-"

"There is no us, there never was," I cutted her off

"You can't be serious"

"Dead ass, now get off my line" I hanged up

"Diana?" sonny asked

I nodded

We all sat by Averi bed in silence

"I wonder what's she dreaming about?" sonny asked

"She not dreaming, how can she be dreaming if her brain is not stimulating" monay said

"You don't know that" sonny replied

"Yea I do, she's in a coma sonny" monay spat back

"Stop it!" I screamed out

"Just chill out" I say

"I'm gonna go make some phone calls" monay got up and walked out

I rocked back and forth trying to control my nerves

"You more nervous then a drug seller without his money on a re-up" sonny said

"I'm just worried" I replied

"You love this girl?" sonny asked

"That and more" I replied

"Love conquers anything" he says

"I ain't never seen you act this way over a girl.thats how I know you foreal" he said

I nodded

"She gon wake up, just give her some time" sonny asked

Monay came flying back in the room

"Sonny I gotta go, you comming or you wanna be stuck?" monay asked

"I'm comming, sonny got up and limped the door

"We'll see you later major, keep an eye on my girl , call us if something happens!" Monay said

"Remember what I said boy" sonny asked

They left and it was back to me and Averi

I grabbed her hand and kissed it.

It was getting late and I was starving

I had school in the morning and I falling behind grades

"Averi.... I'm gonna go, but I promise I'll be here tomorrow right 3:30" I said

I kissed her lips and grabbed my items and left.

I drove to McDonalds, then droved back to the college and washed up and ate.

I sat down on my bed thinking about Averi.

I was missing her.

The door swung open

Of course it was Diana

"What type of shit was that major! I'm your girlfriend! and you need to treat me like one!" she complained

"Your not my fucking girlfriend! I already have one, you just some lucky bitch I pulled just so I can get with when I want. you nothing but a dumb ass slut, who been on her high horse way too long Ight? now gets your fugazi ass out of my dorm, matter of fact out of my life!" I screamed

She chuckled

"You know what's funny, that I was the only bitch who cared. I never pretended with you and it does hurt to know that you did with me. but it's ok, because tog must of forgotten who saved your ass when you got caught stealing with the cobras.who saved the cobras when they were all about to he locked up. who gave some of the cobras money when they needed it.and now that there against you, it makes it so much easier for me to get your ass." she said and started walking off

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked

"Watch your back 'cobra' " she smirked and continued walking off

I already got Seth out for my ass now the whole cobra gang is too.

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Thanks for reading

~Xoxoxoxo Tyvia

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