Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay. As I'd said in my earlier update, things have been quite chaotic with school and family stuff. Also, like I'd mentioned, I have been participating in a writing contest as a way to continue writing without the pressure of needing to get a full chapter out each week (and I've had a bit of writer's block with MhF, but hopefully that has been vanquished). Anyhoo, if you're interested, head on over to check those one-shots out. As of right now, Transparent and Futility are my first two entries (Transparent took third last week, so yay!). If you like twists, I think you'll like Futility.

And now, enjoy! I hope to return to regular updates ASAP, but for now, enjoy the long chapter. Refavoment!


“Sirs, Athena asked that you visit her upon your return. She says it’s urgent.”

Harry suppressed the urge to shove the man to the side, and instead nodded with a simple, “Thank you,” before continuing down the row of tents. Not even five seconds had passed after their appearance before yet another messenger had waylaid him. It was like they knew when he’d be Apparating into Headquarters. He sighed, looking over as Neville addressed him.

“I wonder what she wants…”

He and Harry shared a look briefly, before Neville turned to Johanna. “Welcome to Headquarters and all that jazz. I’ll take you to a tent and we’ll get you settled in for the time being. Your wand will be returned to you after you are validated.” He glanced back at Harry. “I’ll have to leave you there for now, though; it would seem there is a matter that requires our attention.”

“Who’s Athena?” Johanna furrowed her brow and then shrugged. “Unless that’s top secret rebel information.”

Harry scratched at the stubble coating his chin. “Athena is one of our researchers,” he said slowly. “One of the best. That is all I can tell you at the moment.”

The more people who knew Athena’s true identity, the more dangerous it became for her. Athena was already well known as the best source of information and the top researcher and had already survived a few attempts on her life – as had Neville and Harry. All of the leaders and prominent members had. It was why they were constantly moving camps, why there were several Headquarters set up as bait. Now, it was never easy to tell where the leaders would be at any given moment and it provided more security for them. The hassle was worth it.

But if it were common knowledge that Hermione Granger had not, in fact, disappeared years before, and that she was the infamous Athena of the Nixes, then the attempts on her life would grow in number, and that information would find its way back to Voldemort. She would be in as much danger as Harry would be if his own survival got out.

Pulling aside a tent flap, Neville motioned inside, and the three of them ducked under the flap, blinking as their eyes adjusted to the darker interior. “This is home for the next few days while we validate you,” Neville said. Johanna stepped to the small cot, dropping her bag down before she sat beside it.

“Am I a prisoner for now?” she asked, crossing her arms.

“No,” Harry said. “But you will be under surveillance. You understand, of course. The validation process will be quick and painless, don’t worry.”

“That’s not the part I worry about,” Johanna muttered. “I only hope I can make it through the training. It’s what I want now, more than anything else. I don’t mind being held prisoner until then.”

Harry shrugged. “It’s too late to turn back now, so whatever doubts you have about training need to be put aside, or you won’t make it through. Good luck, Johanna. I truly hope you have what it takes. I’ll check in with you after you’re validated and training starts.”

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