Chapter 17

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Before reading this chapter, please, follow me on Twitter @Eadlyen so we can tweet back and forth and I can get to know you guys better!!! Sorry for the long wait, but I finally finished this chapter about five minutes ago. For more information as to why it took so long, lease read the chapter before this entitled "Update".

His smile was so broad it put the Cheshire Cat to shame. "How are you feeling? Do you need a cough drop? A glass of water?" I frowned, but nodded. "Both." I forced out.

He nodded at his brother who walked away. "Do you know where we are? No? Yes? Oh wait, you need water. Well I am so excited that I will just tell you. We are at our old house, before Blume really took off." He sighed and leaned back. "So many memories were made here. So much started here." Ian returned with a glass of water and small bag of cough drops. He handed both to me and I downed the glass of water once again. I popped a cough drop into my mouth and sighed as the pain subsided.

"How did... you get out...of-" I began, then shook my head. "Why am... I here?"

"To relive old memories!" He bellowed, standing up. "Don't you want to relive your childhood?"

"What time is it?" I asked, looking up at him.

He looked at his brother who glanced down at his watch. "11 at night."

"Isn't it past my bedtime then?" I asked, looking up innocently. "Or should I go work on Blume's code?"

He frowned. "You didn't start writing code until you were 14."

"You liked me better at 14." I countered. "I was more compliant."

"But not as innocent." My father frowned. He then began pacing back and forth. "Fine, go work on the code."

"Is the computer working?" I asked, looking at him skeptically.

"Yes." He sighed. "But I want Ian to move it to the basement with you. I don't trust you being up here this much. " Ian nodded and walked away, heading to the kitchen. "Look, I want to... rebuild our relationship from the bottom up."

"I think I'd like that." I smiled, trying to match his enthusiasm. "I'm going to head back downstairs now." I turned to leave, however his voice stopped me.

"I'll be down later for our private time."

I nodded and walked away without turning back to him. My legs were wobbling, I had tunnel vision and couldn't hear a thing, but I somehow made it back down to the basement. I collapsed on the bed and my vision began coming back. I closed my eyes until I heard the door open again. Lifting my head, I turned and found my Uncle stumbling down the stairs, his arm wrapped around the monitor, fingers tangled in the cords. Once he made it down, he placed everything on the ground and ran back up the stairs, reappearing a few minutes later with the desktop itself. "Look," He said as he stumbled back down to me. "He bribed his way out of jail, then kidnapped my daughter, and is forcing me to help him. I don't-"

"Wait," I sighed, "You have a daughter?"

He smiled, looking at his feet. "Yes, she is two, I got married a few years back."

"Where is she?" I asked, sitting up. "She isn't here, is she?"

He shook his head. "I'm not sure, he won't tell me anything." He started re-assembling the computer. "When you were little, I didn't want-"

"I don't want to talk about it." I snapped, shaking my head. "It's in the past. It doesn't matter if you wanted to or not, it happened."

"I really-"

"No! You covered his ass." I cried. "You're worse than he is. How many victims have you stopped from getting closure or justice?"

He focused on his work and didn't try to speak to me again. I watched as he plugged everything in and placed it on a dusty desk in the corner. Once he was done I walked over and turned the desktop on. I waited as the screen booted up, then the desktop appeared. I looked in the corner and cursed. "I need an enternet cable."

"You're not getting online." Ian laughed nervously. "And you do realize that Blume is up and running so you don't need to-"

"He wants me to write code, I need-"

"No." Ian snapped. "You are not getting online."

I frowned, turning to him. "You feel so bad about what happened to me, but you won't help me survive this maniac?"

"He has gone a bit off the rails..." Ian trailed off. "No, my daughter is on the line."

"I can find her." I whispered, leaning in. "I can get her to a safe place."

He scowled at me. "No, you're just a kid."

"Who built most of Blume's code." I retorted. "I stopped being a kid when you came into my room at night-"

"What do you think he did to me for years?!" He screamed. "Your aunt? He did it to all of us, you aren't special." Just as he stepped closer, the door flew open.

"What are you screamin' about?" My father bellowed, stomping down the stairs. I looked at Ian and dodged behind him.

"Nothing," Ian chuckled. "Everything is fine down here." My father paid no mind as he strode over to me.

"What. Is. Going. On." He demanded, shoving Ian aside and grabbing my shoulders.

"I... I.. I need internet to download the software in order to work on Blume's code." I explained, cowering slightly.

He laughed heartily. "Not going to happen. " He smacked me across the face, hard. I fell to the ground, mostly shocked, however my cheek still stung. He picked me up by my hair and he spat in my face. "Get to work."

I sat at the computer, staring. I felt myself reverting back to how I used to be, quiet, reserved, intimidated. After my father left the room, Ian just went and sat on my cot, he didn't say anything, he just sat there, staring just like me.

I jumped as I heard someone coming down the stairs. On instinct, I hopped out of the chair and picked it up, making my way to the stairwell. Just as I heard them come down the stairs, I swung as hard as I could. I heard a shout, then a body hit the floor. I peeked around the corner and saw a spike-clad Wrench lying on the floor, mask crack and he seemed to be unconscious.

I looked over at my uncle. "Shit." I muttered, dropping the chair.

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