Chapter 2

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Weeks passed and nothing of that occurrence on that November morning ever happened again. Jordan easily avoided Jonah and Katherine and would stay out of the house as much as possible. Soon, it was finally the week before Winter Break! Jonah woke up on a snowy Saturday. At least time was alright.  Everything would be fine. After that huge ordeal, Jonah and Katherine had received texts and calls from the other missing kids. Turns out that they had the same memory relapse about Jordan being there. They only had memory about life without Jordan. Only, those not associated with time travel knew Jonah and Jordan grew up together. 

Of course Jordan soon found out about this, and it only added to his hatred of Jonah and Katherine, but mainly Jonah. These past few weeks had been nothing but arguments, blaming each other, threats, and even physical fights for both of them. They tried to this behind their parents' backs, but eventually their parents did find out. Mom and Dad exclaimed that had never seen Jonah or Jordan act like this before and started talking about the idea of going to therapy. The boys' relationship was far beyond repair at this point and therapy would only send them to a mental institution if the talked about time and not to mention how upset JB would be. 

Jonah slowly got out of bed and left his room to go to the bathroom. Jordan came out of it and both of them shot each other a dirty look before proceeding. Jordan felt like a complete stranger to Jonah. It didn't make any sense. The times that they weren't fighting, Jonah and Jordan would rarely talk. They sat at the same table for dinner, slept in the same hallway, waited by the bus stop together, and lived together. But it never occurred to any of them about this idea of friendship.  

Downstairs, Mom was making more Christmas treats and Dad and Katherine were writing Christmas cards. Jordan wasn't downstairs yet. Katherine shot her head up and looked at Jonah. Lately, Jonah was sure that Katherine would get her memory back. Or the rest of their friends. Jonah did like how this way things hadn't changed too bad, but still. Do you remember? Jonah mouthed. She nodded her no, like always. Jonah didn't know why, but it made him feel better this morning.

"Hey Jonah, is this your hand-held video game?" Mom asked, holding up  a hand-held video game that Jonah didn't know still existed. He looked closer. It was the Elucidator.


"Oh, um, yes. Must've fell out of my pocket sometime before. I've been looking for it," Jonah quickly took it from her hand.

"I found in the corner of my room," Mom said.  Jonah turned around and looked around at Katherine. She had gotten the message as well.

"You still play with those?" Jordan asked, astonished. But then he smirked at Jonah. He had clearly seen the whole scene in the doorway. 

"Yeah, cause I don't want my face to be wrinkly like yours after spending all day in front of the computer," Jonah smartly said. 

"Shut up, Jonah. You're only jealous cause you barely have any friends and no girl will ever agree to go out with you. Especially when you carry a hand held video game around like that!" Jordan shot back. 

"Oh please, Jordan,  you hanging with the so-called popular crowd, or even the eighth graders, does not make him cool. You are honestly just following them around," Jonah simply said. 

"Jonah, you don't know anything when you just hang out Chip and the rest of your geeks. There's a reason why you always scuttle away before the crowd gets in the hallway," Jordan fired, as he took the cereal out of the pantry.  This started to make Jonah mad. He stepped closer to Jordan. The fact that Jordan would refer to his friends as geeks.

"Well, at least I have a life and friends, and I'm sure that you do too," Jonah sassily said, "So why  don't you go mosey on upstairs, because you seem to be late for your playdate with Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi." Jordan's expression roughened while Jonah smirked. 

"So are you saying that you are feeling a tad bit jealous?" Jordan asked, "you know, my Star Wars buddies help me get through the big crowded hallways. It's okay of you aren't the first one to class everyday." Jordan stood up so he was eye level to Jonah. The grin on Jordan's face was the tipping point. 

"I'm very jealous, Jordan. So jealous that I might-" Jonah swiftly tripped Jordan so that Jordan almost fell forward. Jonah didn't have time to laugh, because Jordan threw him a punch. Jonah quickly dodged and threw another one back. 

"Stop them!" Katherine shouted. 

Mom quickly grabbed Jonah pulled him back, while Dad yanked Jordan away.

"BOYS! THAT IS ENOUGH!" Dad shouted, "for once can't you get along. What's going on you with you two lately this month?"

"Everything would be fine  if I had a different twin brother," Jordan angrily said. 

"Jordan!" Mom snapped, then her expression softened, "you might not realize it, but you two might be the last living relatives left of your birth family." 

"That is if the adoption dude would give us accurate results!" Jonah said. "I kinda wished that they told us if our parents were alive. It be cool if we all met up and maybe they could-" 

"Take you back," Jonah finished, "so that everything would be the same." 

"And normal," Katherine whispered, a little too loudly. "Not that it isn't. I mean it's great-"

Jonah realized how mean his word were. "Jordan, I'm-"

"Save it," Jordan snapped at the both of them and he ran upstairs

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