The Nightmare

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My heart thuds, my breath quickens, I am so tired, but I keep running. Running I am always running, running from an unknown beast that chases me in my worst dreams, no not dreams; nightmares. Just the word makes my skin crawl in a state of fear. Fear of the beast, fear of the darkness, fear of the isolation, fear of the loneliness, fear of what's to come. I run and run, screaming for help as the beast closes in on its prey but no one answers, I am alone, but for the beast. I trip, falling to the ground as darkness closes in around me and I know its the end. The beast is above me, it's breath a humid stench, it's claws stretching towards my heart...I bolt upright in bed. I am drenched in sweat, my breathing rapid as I clench my hands to my chest, over my heart. It beats, slowing as my breathing returns to normal. I lay back down reaching out my hand in the large bed, searching, hoping for a presence, some kind of warmth, but I only find emptiness.

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