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Alright, so I'm here, I survived a 6 hour drive, but now I have to carry up ALOT of heavy bags *ugh*.  Going up the stairs was bloody exhausting! I had to walk up like 12 flights of stairs and then walk around trying to find my room, and then once I do that, I have to go BACK down the stairs and get MORE bags! What a life eh?

Anyway, I finally got all my bags up, I should have taken my sisters advice and taken less things cause by now I realised that I have to pack all this up again by the end of the term. 😩
So I was the first person in my room, which I was so thankful for, and then can Abby then Ashley and finally another girl named Thai. Thai was a very quiet girl, and I thought she was a very pretty girl with her long black hair and perfect skinny body, but I later found out that this was the total opposite of what she thought of herself!
Anyways, I'm getting off track, so my mum helped me to finish unpacking and then she had to drive all the way back home, like all mothers do, they cry, but I knew I had to stay strong and pray that she doesn't have a car crash.

So I had met a few girls, and I liked this girl named Georgia the most, so I started hanging around with her in the first day, but the people she started hanging out with were total bitches towards me, so I ditched them all and hung out with my other friends. I preferred this group much more because they were all accepting of who I was. Thai was in this group too but she didn't really talk to me, I felt like she was observing me like a confused puppy would observe another dog.


Now it's night time, and also bedtime, so I went down to the bathroom brushed my teeth and put my retainers in and then went back up to my room. As I was laying there in the darkness, I noticed Thai reach over into her draws and pull out a book and a pen, I'm guessing the book was a diary because she started writing in it. Since the lighting was bad she had to sit up against a gigantic teddy bear and face towards the light to see what she was doing. I noticed in about the first 1-2 weeks, she would spend about 3-5 minutes every night to write in it.


It's been about 5 days and by now Thai has started talking to me. I can't remember how we started talking but the second we did, we became like best friends. We started talking a lot and did just about EVERYTHING together. I was so bloody happy, of course I'd have my sad moments but that's perfectly fine. We even made a stretching/workout routine that we started  to do every night, we ended up stopping that cause we both ended up getting to tired to keep going. We also tried this thing where we would wake up early in the morning and go into the hall and I would teach her how to dance. We did that for one night...😂

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